Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Fouad Amien Tag Al-Dien
Personal Data
Fame Name : Fouad Tag
Birth date : 1/7/1933
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Painting
Email :

- Diploma in Fine Arts - Painting Department 1958 Cairo
- Ph.D in Philosphy of Art (Italy) 1970
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Cairo Atelier
- Worked as a press painter since 1957 till 1966
-Worked in teaching in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria 1960
- Professor and ex- Head of the department - Faculty of Arts - Alexandria
- Professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria
- worked as Consulant to restore Presidency palaces - Alexandria
- Photographer of the Famous Characters in the State
Solo shows
- Participated in many Solo exhibitions in Egypt, France, Netherlands, Italy
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many General exhibitions inside Egypt and abroad
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( The General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007)
-Exhibition of Acquisitions of gallery at Picaso gallery - Zamalek 2007
- Caricature exhibition at Mahmoud Saeed Center of Museums - Alexandria 2008
- 1st Festival of Fine creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine art Fair) 2007
- 2nd Festival of Fine creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
International exhibitions
-9th Alexandria Biennale 1972,11th 1976 , 13th 1980
- Venicia Biennale , Painting - Sculpture
- Sau Paulo Biennale - Brazil
- 4th Paris Biennale of Youth
- Consultant and expert of Art works reliable from Alexandria customs
- Make restorations of Murals of presidency palace in Alexandria ` Al-Haramlak Palace -Ras Al-Tieen Palace - Al-Safa Palace - Revolt Palace - Smoha Palace`
- Restored some tableaus in ` Al-Haramlek ` palace - Al-Montazha
- Make restoration in Palace ( Ras Al-Tieen and Royal Jewlery Palace) - Alexandria
- Execute all Art works in ` Mies` - The North Military Area - Mustafa Kamel - Alexandria
- Execute all Art works of the Military Conferences Center in Aswan
- Execute Mural works in entrances of the Military Hospital - Mustafa Kamel - Alexandria
- Execute Mural works and Mural paintings in Faculty of Air Force - Alexandria
- Design sculpture works ` Bronz` of fountains of Ras Al-Tieen Palace - Alexandria
- Execute Sculpture work in Al-Max area ` Fish statue`
- Execute sculpture works on walls of ` Al-Mahrousa Navy Military Hotel` - Alexandria
Publications and activities
- Established with his Famous Journalist College Al- Masaa , Al-Gomharia , Sabah Al-Khier and Eve newspaper
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the Egyptian Pavillion in Venicia International Biennale 1964
- 1st prize in Alexandria International Biennale in its 9th session 1972, 11th 1976, 13th 1980 in Painting and Sculpture
- Scientific prize of University ` Alexandria University`
- 1st prize of Pharoanic sciences
Private collection
- At individuals
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
- Mahmoud Saeed Museum - Alexandria
- Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo and Alexandria
- Museum of Fine Arts - Alexandria
- Al-Salamlek Palace - Al-Montazha
- Museum of the Royal Jewelry - Alexandria