Curriculum Vitae
Raafat Sabry Othamn Farrag
Personal Data
Fame Name : Raafat Sabry
Birth date : 12/8/1942
Place of birth : Alexandria
Date of death : 21/3/2022
Activities : Painting

Graduated in Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, 1967.
Studied painting for one year in Spain, 1989,1981.
Studied oil painting at Rome Art Academy, Italy, 1977, 1978.
Member of the Fine Artists Association
Alexandria Atelier Group of Artists and Writers.
Specialist fine artist at the Ministry of Culture in Alexandria.
Deputy of Hrrya Cultural Palace in Alexandria.
Currently, in pension.
Places of interest
Cairo, Alexandria (Anfoushy neighbourhood), Italy, Spain.
Solo shows
Staged four solo exhibitions in 1968,1973,1980.
Solo exhibition at Hurrya Cultural Palace, 1972.
The German Cultural Center in Alexandria, 1981.
Solo show in Madrid, Spain 1981.
Al-Salam art gallery, Ministry of Culture, Cairo 1982.
Art and Mind Gallery at the German Cultural Center in Alexandria, 1983-1988.
Solo show at the Italian Consulate in Alexandria, 1985.
Mashrabya art gallery in Cairo, 1990.
Al-Tazawk art gallery of Sidi Gaber Cultural Palace in Alexandria, 1995.
Local exhibitions
Participated in many national exhibitions since 1968.
Exhibitions staged at cultural centers of Germany, France, and Russia).
The annual exhibition of emeritus fine artists, 1995.
Group show at Alexandria Atelier, 1999.
The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
International exhibitions
Group shows in Rome and Madrid, 1978,1979.
The 15th Alexandria International Biennale of Mediterranean Countries, 1985.
The 5th Cairo International Biennale, 1994.
The 20th Alexandria International Biennale of Mediterranean Countries, 1999.
Grant of the Ministry of Culture to Spain, 1980, 1981.
Sabbatical-leave in Egypt 1991, 1995.
International recognition
Silver medal from the 15th Alexandria International Biennale of Mediterranean Countries, 1985.
Top and second prize from (Egypt Pavilion) at the 15th Alexandria International Biennale of Mediterranean Countries, 1985.