Curriculum Vitae
Huda Abdel-Monsef Gharib
Personal Data
Fame Name : Huda Abdel-Monsef Gharib
Birth date : 14/2/1974
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Graphic - Print

- BA in print design- Faculty of Fine Arts - 1997.
- MA in 1998.
- reader at the faculty of Fine Arts- Cairo.
Places of interest
- Cairo.
Local exhibitions
- at the Faculty of Fine Arts- Cairo.
- at the Supreme Council of Youth and Sports.
- the Pioneers Exhibition.
- at Dr. Ragab Gallery (Sculpture).
- at Hurgada Sheraton Hotel- (El-Gouna Arts)
-1st Drawing Salon- Black and White- Gezira Art Center- May- 2004.
Local recognition
- from the Youth and Sports Supreme Council.