Curriculum Vitae
Hassan Soliman Ahmed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hassan Soliman
Birth date : 17/9/1928
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 18/8/2008
Activities : Painting

- BA in painting- Faculty of Fine Arts- Cairo- 1951.
- Postgraduate Studies in the psycology of the 4d- Braier Academy, Milan-1966.
- Researches in the Fundementals of Design.
- Lectures about Cairo Mosques and the Islamic Features of Islamic Architecture.
- a reader at the Public University of the Amateurs and at the Mass Culture.
- Associate Professor at the Cinema Institute and the Faculty of Fine Arts 1964: 1972.
- PhD Supervisor Architecture Department- Luxemburge University- Verginia- USA.
- quit the Cultural Life in 1987- and turned ti produce in his own studio.
Solo shows
- at Ekhnaton Gallery- Arts Center- Zamalek- 1952.
- 10th Atelier Exhibition- 1963.
- at Ekhnaton Gallery- Arts Center- Zamalek- 1964.
- at Ekhnaton Gallery- Arts Center- Zamalek- 1966.
- at Ekhnaton Gallery- Arts Center- Zamalek-1971.
- `Silent Nature` - Al-Hanager Center- 1988.
- at Cairo Atelier- 1995.
- at Extra Gallery- 1996.
- at Ahmed Odwani Gallery- the National Council for Art and Culture- Kuwait- 1997.
- `the Sea`- Al- Hanager- 2000.
- At Mashrabia Gallery- 2001.
- at Doroub Gallery- 2002.
Local exhibitions
- has been participating in the local exhibitions since 1952 .

International exhibitions
- Represented Egypt in Venice International Biennale.
Publications and activities
- Wrote many Bools about the Fine Art:
- `the Artist`s Freedom` 1980- `the Motion in Art and Live`- `How to Read a Picture`
- `the Psycology of Calligraphy`- `Scripts from the Folklore`- `the Motion Psycology`
- `the Touch and the Book- this other aspect`- `an Attempt to Understand the Potential Music of Art and Poetry`.
Local recognition
- the prize of the Field work 1964.
Private collection
- at art lovers in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- the Egyptian Modern Art Museum.
- the Fine Art Exhibition- Alexandria.