Curriculum Vitae
Laila Ahmed Al-Sawy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Laila Al-Sawy
Birth date : 14/1/1934
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department 1961
- Founder member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Al-Ghury artists
- Member of Association of Life and Art friends
- Member of Cairo Atelier
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- Center of the Artistci researches ( Al-senary House) - Al-Saida Zienab
- Painter in the Agriculture Museum
Solo shows
- At Geothe Institute - Cairo 1982
- At the Cultural Center in Paris ( The Egyptian Cultural Center) 1983
- At the Egyptian Cultural Center in London 1983
- Exhibition among agreement of the Cultural exchange between Egypt and Hungary 1983
- At the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural co-operation at gallery ( The Foreign Diplomats) 1985
- In Zagagzig city 1986
- Exhibition in occasion of Mother Day 1986
- At gallery of Faculty of Applied Arts - Giza
Local exhibitions
2nd Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1961
- The General exhibition of Fine Arts since 1957 till now
- Exhibitions of Salon in Cairo and Alexandria
- Exhibitions in occasion of Giza , Alexandria and Zagagzig feasts
International exhibitions
- Portrait exhibition in Paris 1971
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from 1st Alexandria Salon of Fine Arts 1981
- Certificate of Merit from Authority of Tourism activation
Private collection
- At Art lovers in Egypt , Paris and United States
State collection
- Ministry of Culture
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
- The Agriculture Museum - Dokki - Cairo