Curriculum Vitae
Aly Abdel Tawab Habiesh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Aly Habiesh
Birth date : 1/3/1948
Place of birth : Sharkia
Activities : Sculpture

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Sculpture department 1973 - Cairo
- MA in Fine Arts about the African Sculpture 1982
- PhD in Sculpture 1988
- Founder member of Syndicate of Fine Artists , and deputy of Sculpture section in the syndicate
- Member of the African association , Cairo
- Member of the consultative authority of Creation club - Emirates University
- Participant professor in University of United Arab Emirates
- Assistant professor in Sculpture department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Cairo
Places of interest
- Cairo
Solo shows
- In the African association , inaugurated by Prof/ Botrus Ghaly ` The General Secretary of the United Nations 1982
- In the Egyptian Center of the International Cultural co-operation 1979
- At Al-Salam gallery 1985
- Exhibition of Hungary association 1988 -1990
- At the Foreign diplomats gallery (The Egyptian Center of the International Cultural co-operation) 1996
- In Jordan 1989
- At Arts Center , Zamalek 2001
Local exhibitions
-Autumn exhibition 1973
- Motherhood and Youth exhibitions 1974-1975-1976-1977-1978-1979
- Exhibition of Suez Canal 1975 - Cairo Salon
-21st,23th, and 24th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1990 -1993 -1995
-27th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2001
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
-1st Festival of Fine Creation (30th General exhibition and 1st Fine art fair)2007
International exhibitions
- Participated in Alexandria Biennlae in its different sessions
- In the Swifet Union 1988
- Spain Youth Biennale 1970
- 10th Bangaladiesh International Biennale 2002
- Interior scholarship to prepare his PhD in Folk sculpture
Publications and activities
- Head of Culture committee in the National party
- Represented Egypt in celebratin=on of 23 July in the Swfiet Union , that held by association of Swfiet Egyptian Friendship 1989
Local recognition
- Prize of Land day 1975
- 1st prize in the 2nd opening of Suez Canal
- Prizes of Motherhood and Youth in 15th General exhibition 1985
- Pioneers prizes
- Prizes of exhibition ` Achievements of the Leader/ Gamal Abdel Nasser 1973
- Prizes of the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth
- Prize of 1st Alexandria Salon
- Acquistion prize in Ahmed Shawky Museum
- Prize of Desert and the New element for his statue ` The Land`
Private collection
- At Mrs.Francises Henrek ` Head of the Joint European Fair in Cairo` and the statue is in Paris
- At Author/ Ahmed Aly Badawy
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
- Ahmed Shawky Museum
- Alexandria Museum