Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Abdullah Ahmed Boughdady
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Boughdady
Birth date : 29/11/1948
Activities : Arabic Calligraphy
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Commerce 1972
- Study painting in Faculty of Fine Arts , department of Free studies
- Diploma of Arabic calligraphies - Al-Saadia School ,Giza
- Diploma of Fatimid Kufic calligraphy
- Journalism diploma - Faculty of Information - Cairo University
- Member of the Egyptian writers Union
- Member of Journalists Syndicate
- Supervisor of Sabah Al-Khier magazine 1980:1986
- Supervisor of Roselyoussef magazine 1986:1989
- Published and head editor of `Ibn Arous` magazine
- Editor supervisor of the Golden book 1988
- Now work journalist in Sabah Al-Khier magazine
- Consultant of the General authority of Culture palaces and the supreme council of Culture
Solo shows
- In the American University , Cairo 1989
- At hall of the National theatre , Cairo 1994
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Painters of Sabah Al-Khier and Roselyoussef - Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy gallery 1988
- Exhibition of Cover calligraphy , Journalists Club , Cairo 1996
- Exhibition of Arabic calligraphy 2000
- 1st Exhibition of Press illustration , Arts palace , March 2004
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
- Participated in prepare and cast Hamed Al-Amady competition in Turkey of Arabic calligraphy
Publications and activities
- His poems, and articles in many patrols, magazines , Arab and Egyptian newspapers like: Sabah Alkhier - Creation - The new culture magazine -Roselyousef - Cairo - Folklore - Al-Ahram newspaper - Al-Helal magazine - London life newspaper -