Curriculum Vitae
Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Moniem Al-Ganaini
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Al-Ganaini
Birth date : 8/10/1954
Place of birth : Daqahlia
Activities : Painting
Email : ,

- BA of Mechanical Engineering 1977
- Free Studies in the Faculty of Arts - Alexandria - Under supervsion of artist/ Mohamed Hamed Awais 1979
- Free Studies in Germany cities( Berlien - Hanover - Hamburg - Bent Haiem 1980/1981) Warsou -1985
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Cairo and Alexandria Atelier
- Freelance for the Fine Work in his studio in Meniet Samanoud - Daqahalia
- Head of editor of Translation and critique series produced by Visions assocation of Creativity
Places of interest
- The Egyptian Society
Solo shows
- Solo exhibition in Daqahalia 1974,1975,1976
- In Germany 1980, berlien 1980 in Montaj Gallery
- The 2nd Exhibition in Berlien 1981
- Berlien Exhibition 1985
- In Traq 1986
- In the Culture Palace in Mansoura 1990
- In Cairo Atelier 1991:1993 .
- In Cairo Atelier 1997
- In Alexandria Atelier 2000
- In Gamila Gallery in Maadi 2000
- In Art House - Tripoli - Lebanon2002- 2003
- Towards an Ideal World of Love and Peace- Fine Arts Symposium- Tripoli- Lebanon- 2003.
- exhibition at Dar Ebn Luqman- MAnsoura National Museum- Nov- 2006.
- `Human Features` Cairo Atelier- March- 2007.
Local exhibitions
- He participated in many General exhibitions like:
- Exhibitions of the Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1976,1977,1978,1982
- The General National Exhibition - Egypt 1991
- 1st and 2nd Daqahalia Salon 1992,1993
- Exhibition of the General Authority of Arts 1992
- 3rd , 4th and 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999,2000,2002
- The Annual Exhibition of Alexandria Atelier 2001-2002
- Salon of Al-Gharbia artists 2001-2002
- Exhibition of the East Glow in the Circle Gallery of the Fine Artists Syndicate in Opera with 14 artist 2002
- 11th Exhibition of Daqahlia Salon in Mansoura National Museum , March 2007
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (The General Exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
- 2nd Exhibition of results of Art and Mass forum at Mansoura National museum, February 2009
International exhibitions
- The 1st Regional Exhibition in Baghdad 1987
- The General Exhibition of Fine Artists in Baghdad 1988
- Port Said Biennale 1994/1996
- Sier International Festival in Lebanon 2003-2004
- Ahdan International Symposium - Lebanon 2002-2003
- 1st Gazien Festival of Hertiage - Lebanon 2002
- 1st Gazien Festival of Hertiage - Lebanon 2003
- Alia International Symposium - Lebanon 2002
- 1st Tree Fine Symposium of Drawing and Sculpture - Syria 2003
- Ahdan Sympsoium - Lebanon 2004- 2005.
- International Creation Festival- Tripoli- Lebanon.
- Freelance grant from the Supreme Council of Culture 2000 - 2001- 2002 -2003
- General Representative, Technical Advisor and permanent member at Ahdan International Symposium- Lebanon.
- founding member of Roaa `Visions` Creations Society.
- Head Official of the International Creation Festival- Tripoli- Lebanon- in association with the House of Art.
- founded Esis Atelier- for art creation(included a gallery and workshops) in Samanoud Village. where he hosted many figures of art, culture and criticism.
- Guest of Honour for Jone Symposium for Lebanese Artists- 2002- 2003.
Publications and activities
- he did many studies and researches in Fine Arts, criticism and culture beside divans like `30 spears of Insomania` and `a little of the spirite juice` sudies upon the Fine Art movement in Lebanon and Syria within 100 years.
- prepared and directed many publications, and supervised `Cultural Papers` Magazine and Roaa `Visions` series.
- participated in producing `Qatr El-Nada` book series and `Around the World` seiries for children.
- 3 divans:
- ` Love in May` published in 1977.
- People `s Chidren
- Glory not for the princess
- Group of divan novels (the Cat and Sparrow)
- Articles in the Art Creation
Local recognition
- 1st prize , Painting from the 1st Regional Exhibition in Baghdad
- 1st prize in Exhibition of the General Authority of Arts 1992
- 3rd prize , Painting , Port Said Biennale (Collective) 1994
- Encouragement prize, Painting , Port Said Biennale (Collective) 1996
- 1st prize , Painting - Artists of East Delta 2001
- Excellence Medal of Ahdan International Sympsoium - Lebanon 2002-2003
- Certificate of Merit from Gabiel - Gazien - Sier - Gouna - Gouta Festival 2002-2003
- Excellence Medal from Human Rights Organization - Lebanon 2003
- Excellence Medal and Certificate of Merit from the 1st Tree Symposium - Syria 2003
- 1st prize from the General Authority of Culture Palaces (Directing) from Cultural Papers magazine- 2003- 2004.
International recognition
- 1st prize in painting- 1st Qatarian Exhibition in Baghdad- 1987.
- Excellence Shield and a certificate of merit from Aalia INternational Drawing Symposium- Lebanese Artists Association- Lebanon- 2002.
- A certificate of merit for `the Fine Arts Exhibition for the 9th Frankfone Summit`- the cultural association gallery- Lebanon- 2002.
- Excellence Shield from Ahdan International Symposium- Lebanon- 2002\ 2003.
- Certificates of merit from Gebil, Gezin, Saida, Seer, Jona and Goethe Festivals- 2002- 2003.
- Excellence Shield from Human Rights Organization- Lebanon- 2003.
- Certificate of merit from ` Ideal Lebanon country` symposium- Lebanon- 2003.
- Excellence Shield and Certificate of merit form the 1st Tree Symposium for drawing and Sculpture- Lazikia- Syria- 2003.
- Certificate of merit from the House of Art- Lebanon- for `the Meeting of Biblous and Art`- 2002- 2003.
- Certificate of merit from the 1st Saida Fine Art Symposium- Lebanon- 2003.
- Certificate of merit from 2nd Gezin Heritage Festival- 2003.
- Certificate of merit from Goethe - Beirut- Lebanon- 2003
Private collection
-In Egypt - Germany - Polland - Iraq - England - France - Beirut - Syria
State collection
- Museum of Modern Art
- The Supreme Council of Culture
- Ministry of Culture (Lebanon - Polland - Iraq - England - France - Beirut - Syria)