Curriculum Vitae
Ahmed Khalil Mohammed Hassan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Khalil
Birth date : 24/12/1950
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting
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- Graduated in painting department - Faculty of Fine Arts Alexandria - 1976.
- MA in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria - 1985.
- Ph.D. in painting from Florence Academy - Italy - 1989.
- Member of the Fine Artists Association - (Painting) - 106 / 623.
- Group of Artists and Writers - Alexandria Atelier.
- Art Lovers Society.
- Cairo Atelier Group.
- Drawing Masters Group.
- Al-Ghoury Artists Group.
- Teacher at Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Menia since 1982.
- Deputy of the Fine Artists Association in Alexandria.
- Deputy and head of Painting Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Menia.
- Worked in Qatar- 2004..
Places of interest
- Alexandria.
- Menia .
- Italy.
Solo shows
- Mohammed Nagy art gallery of Anfoushy Cultural Palace - 1981 - 1995 - 1997 - 1999.
- Donatillo art gallery in Florence - Italy - 1988.
- Gallery Theo Rema in Florence - Italy - 1988.
- Art and Mind art gallery “Fekr wa Fann” - Goethe Institute - Alexandria 1990.
- Art gallery of Alexandria Atelier - 1993.
- Al-Tazawk Art Palace in Alexandria - 1995.
- Exhibition at the art gallery of Mahmoud Said Museum in Alexandria - 2000.
- Al-Tazawk Art Palace in Alexandria - 2002.
- At the Fine Artists Syndicate- Alexandria- 2006 .
Local exhibitions
- Anfoushy Cultural Palace - 1973.
- Hurrya Cultural Palace - 1974.
- The First Winter Salon at the Fine Arts Museum 1980.
- Seif Wanly Art Contest at Hurrya Cultural Palace - Alexandria 1981.
- Spring Salon at Hussein Sobhy Museum in Alexandria - 1981.
- “Anfoushy by Artist’s Quill” - Hurrya Cultural Palace - Alexandria 1982.
- Fine artists’ exhibition at Hurria Palace Museum - Alexandria 1982.
- Hafez Shawky Art Contest at Ekhnaton art gallery - 1983.
- Staff Teachers Exhibitions at Faculty of Fine Arts in Menia - 1984 - 1994.
- Alexandria Artists Exhibition at Wanly’s Brothers art gallery of Hurrya Palace - 1984.
- The Autumn Salon at al-Tazawk Palace - Alexandria - 1991 - 2001.
- The Salon of Mini Works of Art in Cairo - 1994 - 2000.
- Egypt - Italy Exhibition at Alexandria Atelier - 1990.
- The 21st - 22nd - 23rd - 24th - 25th 26th 27th 28th National Art Exhibition - 1990 - 1991 - 1993 - 1995 - 1997 - 1999 - 2001 - 2003.
- “The Givens” exhibition at Ekhnaton art gallery in Cairo 1993.
- Photography Exhibition at Alexandria Atelier - 1998.
International exhibitions
- Le Vernon Youth Exhibition in Italy - 1986.
- Exhibition at San Kashanowa City in Italy - 1986.
- Sapporo International Print Biennale in Japan - 1993.
- Granted State Scholarship to study Ph.D. in Florence Academy 1985.
- Scientific scholarship sponsored by the Cultural Interaction Program between Italy and Egypt - 2000.
- Establishing the Contemporary Fine Arts Museum of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Menia.
- Decorating headquarter of the university - on the occasion of universities cultural week of youth.
- Head of the Fine Arts Committee of Somoha Sport Club in Alexandria.
- an founding member of the faculty of fine arts in Minya 1982 .
Publications and activities
- Studies in the Contemporary Modern Painting Art - No. 111851 /2004.
Local recognition
- Seif Wanly golden medal for painting .
- Second prize of Anfoushy “Artist’s Quill”.
- Merit prizes from the Ministry of Culture and the Faculty of Fine Arts in Menia.
International recognition
- certificates of appreciation and many honors both internationally .
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in Egypt and Italy.
State collection
- The Military Museum in Cairo.
- The National Bank of Egypt Branch of Alexandria.
- Sector of Fine Arts.
- The Faculty of Fine Arts in Menia.
- Egypt Modern Art Museum.
- The Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria.
- Al-Ahram newspaper.
- Since his graduation in 1976, Khalil resumed exploring many art directions, especially ‘ metaphysical’ one, where he was taken with ‘time and place’ concept, expressing it with colours and natural mediums. Then, (1979 –1982) he experienced the ‘symbolic’ direction, when that phase marked with consequent changes in the Egyptian environment.
- Apparently, (1982 –1989) was a phase of researches, technical art treatment and the preparatory phase of abstraction, that resumed during his residence in Italy. - Thence, he got the attention of Italian critics to name his works as “Symphony-Music harmony – Musical Colours”; such phase that last till 1995. Whence, he moved to more developed techniques in colour and space, to be an absorbed view of the Egyptian environment in identity, legacy, modernity, and post-modernity. Finally, our artist considered Alexandria as a window, where he looked at contemporary world and South Valley as his identity.