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Ibrahim Ezz Ibrahim Al-Qussiery
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ibrahim Ezz Al-Qussiery
Birth date : 17/4/1974
Place of birth : Al-Daqahalia
Activities : Drawing
Email : ,

- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Mansoura University 1995 .
- MA in Art Education - Painting Section 2003 .
- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education - Painting Section 2006 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists .
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers .
- Member of Association .
- Lecturer in Department of Art Education `Drawing and Painting` - Faculty of Specify Education - Meit Ghamr - Mansoura University .
- Assistant Instructor in Department of Art Education ` Drawing and Painting` - Faculty of Specify Education - Meit Ghamr - Mansoura University 2005 .
- Instructor in Department of Art Education `Drawing and Painting` - Faculty of Specify Education - Mansoura University .
Places of interest
- Al-Daqahalia ( Meit Ghamr) .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in all Collective exhibitions in the Faculty from 1992 - 1995.
- Exhibitions of Ministry of Sport and Youth 1993 -1995 .
- 9th Youth Salon 1997 - 10th 1998.
- 4th and 5th Port Said National Biennale 1998 - 2001.
- Exhibition at `Une` Gallery - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University 2001.
- 2nd - 3rd and 4th Salon of Mini Works of Art 1998 - 1999 - 2000 .
- 11th and 12th Youth Salon 1999 - 2000 .
- 7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004.
- 1st Drawing Salon ` Black - White` - Geizira Arts Center - May 2004 .
- Al-Daqahalia National Salon 2004 .
- 7th Port Said National Biennale 2005 .
- 3rd Exhibition of Fine messages Association entitle `rhythms from Nature` at `Une` Gallery - Faculty of Specify Education - Ain Shams University - May 2006 .
- Exhibition ` White and Black` - gallery of Association of Fine Arts Lovers - Garden City 2007 .
- Al-Nasr Forum of Fine Arts 2007 .
International exhibitions
- Al-Nasr Forum of Fine Arts 2007 .
- Scholarship of Luxor studio 2005 .
- Member of Committee of Development and beautification Meit Ghamr .
- Design cover of magazine ` researches of Specify Education` 2003 .
- The participation in prepare the carnaval of 7th Week of Youth of Universities - Mansoura University 2005 .
- Member of Jury Committee of the Cartoon film in Mansoura University 2007
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , part 2 , prepared by Critic/ Mohamed Hamza 2002, produced by Fine Arts Sector .
Publications and activities
- Workshop ` Art ... and Mass` - Geizira Park 2007 .
-Symposium entitle ` Development the Technical skills` - Zefta Information Center - The General Authority of Inforamtion - Ministry of Information .
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from the National Party .
- Certificate of Merit from Mansoura University .
- Encouragement prize in Drawing - Victory Forum of Fine Arts 2007 .
Private collection
- At Prof/ Said Sobhy , Eid Younis , Eng/ Sabry Al-Beltagy , Ibrahim Essa and Prof/ Salwan Roshdy .
State collection
- Faculty of Specify Education - Miet Ghamr - Mansoura University .
- Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo - Ain Shams University .
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo .
- The General Authority of Culture Palaces ` Luxor studios` .
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