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Ismail Shawky Ismail Khalifa
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ismail Shawky
Birth date : 6/7/1958
Place of birth : Alexandria
Date of death : 5/12/2011
Activities : Photography
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- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1981 - Cairo
- MA in Art Education - Design Section 1985 - Cairo
- Ph.D of Philosphy in the Art Education - Helwan University 1991
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists ( Decor Section) - Cairo
- Member of Asala Association of Heritage and Arts - Cairo
- Member of Teachers Syndicate - Cairo
- Member of Egypt`s Salon Association of Photography - Cairo
- Member of League of Alumni of Institute and Faculties of Art Education - Cairo
- Member of Al-Ghury Agency Artists Association - Cairo
- Member of Cairo Atelier of Artists and Writers - Cairo
- Member of the Egyptian Association of Folk Arts - Cairo
- Member of Association of Fine Arts Lovers - Cairo
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts - Cairo
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Art Education - Design Department 1981
- Assistant Teacher in the Faculty of Art Education - Design Department 1985
- Teacher in the Faculty of Art Education - Design Department -1991
- Assistant Professor in the Design Department - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1998 - Cairo
- Assistant Professor ( Lent) to Art Education Department - Faculty of Teachers - Riyhad - Saudi Arabia 1997
- Visitor Member of Teachers Staff in Art Education Department - Faculty of Education - Qatar University 1993-1994 Qatar
-Editor Secretary of Fine Arts Magazine - The Supreme Council of Culture 1995/1997 - Cairo
- Professor in the Design Department - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - Cairo 2004
Places of interest
- Alexandria - Cairo - Germany - France - Qatar - Saudi Arabia
Solo shows
- In Fine Arts Academy in Munich 1989 - Germany
- At Akhenaton Gallery - Arts Center - Zamalek 1990 - Cairo
- At the Grand Gallery in Alexandria Atelier 1991 - Alexandria
- Ambulant exhibition in Sohag Culture Palace 1992
- Exhibition in the Dam Gallery in Doha related to the Ministry of Information and Culture - Qatar 1993
- Exhibition in the Fine Arts Association - Qatar 1993
- Exhibition in Qatar 1993
- At Akenaton Gallery in Arts Center - Zamalek 1995 - Cairo
- At the Egyptian Academy of Arts - Rome 1995 - Italy
- Ambulant exhibition in Tanta and Banha Culture Palace 1995
- Ambulant exhibition in the Suez , Ismalia and Port Said Culture Palace 1995
- At the Grand Gallery in Alexandria Atelier 1996
- At (Sail) Gallery in the Faculty of Specify Education - Dokki 1996 - Cairo
- At the Egyptian Cultural Center in Paris 1996 - France
- Exhibition ( Egyptian Visions) in the Egyptian Center of International Cultural Co-operation ( Foreign diplomats) 1997 - Cairo
- At Suez Culture Palace 1998
- At Marsa Matrouh Culture Palace 1999
- In the General Authority of Culture Palaces 1997,1998,1999 - Cairo
- Solo exhibition in the Egyptian Academy - Rome 1996
- In the Egyptian Cultural Center - Paris 1997
Local exhibitions
- Fine Arts exhibition of Helwan University - Cairo 1979,1980,1981
- May competition of Fine Arts - The Supreme System of Sport and Youth 1979,1980,1981,1982,1983
- 32nd Pioneers exhibition 1983,24th 1984 , 25th 1985, 27th 1987 - Cairo
- 3rd Youth Salon 1991 , 4th 1992
- 24th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1995 , 25th 1997 - Cairo
- Egypt`s Salon of Photography 1997 (Varities) - Cairo
-29th National Exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General Exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007)
- 6th Nile Salon of Photography 2007
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008
International exhibitions
- 1st Week of the Egyptian German Youth friendship in Berlin 1979- Germany
- Magdink Triennale of Photography - Polland 1994
- 3rd International Exhibition of Arts - Bolivia - Latien America 1994
- 1st Egyptian Cultural Festival - Muinch 1994
- 1st Tokyo International Biennale of Photography - Japan 1995
- Photography competition of Sports - Japan 1995
- Exhibition in the Egyptian Cultural Center - London - England 1995
- 3rd International Exhibition of Photography - Jordan 1996
- Exhibition of Photography entitle ( The Egyptian Civilization) among efficiencies of the Cultural Week in the Bulgarien Capital - Sofia - October 2006
- Interior Scholarship to get Ph.D from Helwan University - Ministry of High Education 1986:1991 - Cairo
- External Scholarship to collect the Subject of Ph.D from Fine Arts Academy in Germany 1988:1990
- Design prints of the Holland Egyptian company of Food industries ` Tybo`1992
- Design and execute influence and Light slides on Cheops Theatre , Conferences Center in opening 5th Cairo International Festival of Children Cinema , October 1994
- Participated in prepare project of Designs , Symbols , Training and Production Center of Family products - Cairo 1993
- Design poster and book covers of the 5th Scientific Conference of Faculty of Art Education entitle ` Art and Environement` , December 1994
- Design cover of the first Cultural magazine of the Egyptian Opera House through collection of light works - Cairo , December 1994
Publications and activities
- Published researches:
- Art search entitle ( The Nature and the Egyptian Environment) presenting to the Supreme Council of the Egyptian Culture to get the Encouragment prize of the state in Arts - January 1993
- Art and theoretical research under title ( using the Art and aestheticism possibilities of Photography in design the art prints) - January 1996
- scientific books:
- Art and design - Cairo 1997
- Entrance to the Art Education - Riyhad - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1998
- Design and its elements and basises in Fine Art - Zahraa Al-Shark 2000
- Conferences:
- Art Education and affiliation Suit - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - Cairo 1962/1982/1988
- Art and Environment - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - Cairo 28/11 - 1/12/1994
- Future of Education in the Arab Home between regionalism and universality in the League of Arab States - Faculty of Education - Helwan University - April 1996
- Board member of Egypt`s Salon of Photography 1996/1999
Local recognition
- He got many prizes, medals and Certificates of Merit in drawing, engraving, advertisment, painting, ceramics , photography from the exhibitions and competitions which held by: Helwan University , Sport and Youth System, The National Center of Fine Arts , The Supreme Council of Culture in Ministry of Culture.
- 2nd prize - Ceramics from Fine Arts exhibition of Helwan University - Cairo 1979
- Encouragment prize Sculpture/ ornamentation / Advertisment from Fine Arts exhibition of Helwan University - Cairo 1980
- 2nd prize ornamentation and advertisment from Fine Arts exhibition of Helwan University - Cairo 1981
- 2nd prize ornamentation and advertisment from May competition of Fine Arts in the Supreme System of Sports and Youth - Cairo 1979
- Encouragment prize from May competition of Fine Artsin the Supreme System of Sports and Youth - Cairo 1980
- 2nd prize in Decoration and Advertising from May Competition of Fine Arts in the Supreme System of Sports and Youth - Cairo 1982
- Encouragement prize in Engraving from May competition of Fine Arts - The Supreme System of Sports and Youth - Cairo 1983
- 1st prize in Engraving from 23rd Pioneers exhibition ` Association of Fine Arts Lovers` 1983 - Cairo
- 1st prize in Engraving from 24th Pioneers exhibition ` Association of Fine Arts Lovers` 1984 - Cairo
- Encouragment prize in Drawing from 25th Pioneers exhibition ` Association of Fine Arts Lovers` - 1985 , Cairo
- 1st prize in Decoration from 27th Pioneers exhibition ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 1987 - Cairo
- 1st prize in Painting from 3rd Youth Salon 1991
- 2nd prize in Photography from 4th Youth Salon 1992
- Encouragement State prize in Photography from the Supreme Council of Culture - Cairo 1994
International recognition
- Golden Medal on his works as a Secretary of Committee of 5th Cairo International Biennale 1995
- Medal of Arts and Science from the first degree - Arab Republic of Egypt 1994
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt, Germany , England , Italy , Japan , Greece
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
- Fine Arts Academy - Munich
- The Egyptian Academy of Arts - Rome
- The Egyptian Embassy - France
- Ministry of Information and Culture - Qatar
- The Supreme Council of Sport and Youth - Egypt
- Helwan Univeristy
- Cultural Development Fund
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