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Basma Nour Al-Dien Mohamed Al-Qasas
Personal Data
Fame Name : Basma Nour
Birth date : 20/8/1989
Place of birth : Daqahalia
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Mansoura University, Miet Ghamr branch 2007
- Member of association of Fine Arts lovers
- Member of Mansoura Atelier
- Supervisor on the art activity and traineer of Fine Arts in Miet Ghamr youth center
- Teacher in one of the private schools
Places of interest
- Mansoura (Miet Ghamr)
- Alexandria
- Cairo
-Sharm Al-Sheikh
- Aswan
- Luxor
-Ismalia .
Solo shows
- Exhibition of Miet Ghamr Youth center from 2000:2007
- Exhibition of Arab Al-Hasan Youth Center 2001:2008
- Exhibition of Al-Oruba Youth Center in Heliopolis
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Miet Ghamr Youth center 2001
- Exhibition of Mansoura University 2003,2004,2005,2006
- Exhibition of Syndicate of Fine artists in Daqahalia 2006,2007
- Exhibition of Rateb Sedek competition at Cairo Atelier 2007
- Exhibition of the talent youth at the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth 2007
- Exhibition of Arab Al-Hesn Youth center 2008
International exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Arab festival 2008
Publications and activities
- 3rd Annual Scientific conference of Faculty of Specific Education , Mansoura University 2009
Local recognition
- The honory position on the level of republic 2007
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and some Fine artists
State collection
- The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth
- Mansoura University
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