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Hassan Hassan Taha
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hassan Hassan Taha
Birth date : 29/8/1972
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Design
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- BA of Art Education , Faculty of Specify Education, Tanta University 1994
- Diploma of Arabic calligraphy, Calligraphy improvement School , Al-Mahala Al-Kobra 1997
- Diploma of Arabic calligraphy improvement -Al-Mahala Al-Kobra 1999
- Complementary diploma , Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University 1999
- MA in Art Education ( Decoration design) , Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 2003
- PhD of Philosophy in Art Education (Design) , Faculty of Specify Education, Ain Shams University 2006
- Fund secretary of Society development association , Al-Mahala Al-Kobra
- Instructor in Art Education department , Design , Faculty of Specify Education, Tanta University 2007
Solo shows
Exhibition White and Black (Drawing, Arabic Calligraphy) at Arts gallery , Faculty of Specify Education, Tanta University 2004
Local exhibitions
- Generation exhibition (1) , Painting, Teaching staff of Faculty of Specify Education, Tanta University 2000
-4th Salon of Mini Works of Art (Painting), Arts Center 2000
- Exhibition ` Calligraphy Tunes` , Painting, Faculty of Specify Education, Tanta University 2001
- Exhibition of competition of Al-Gharbia Youth Salon (Painting) , Tanta Culture Palace 2001
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art (Sculpture) , Arts Center 2002
- Exhibition `Generations meeting`, Painting, Tanta Culture Palace 2002
- Exhibition of Fine Art (Painting) - Al-Mahala Culture Palace 2002
- Exhibition of competition of Al-Gharbia Youth Salon (Painting) - Tanta Culture Palace 2002
- Generation exhibition (2) , Painting, Teaching staff of Faculty of Specify education, Tanta University 2003
-6th Port Said National Biennale of Fine Arts (Ceramics) 2003
- 1st Exhibition of Al-Gharbia artists Forum (Painting) , the National Party 2003
- Exhibition of Fine Arts ( Painting), Ghazl Al-Mahala Culture Palace 2003
-5th Exhibition of Arabic calligraphies, Ghazl Al-Mahala Culture Palace 2004
- Exhibition of Rateb Sedek prize at Cairo Atelier (Sculpture) 2004
- Exhibition of the National competition (Sports and Youth) , Tanta 2004
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art (Sculpture), Arts Center 2004
-7th Port Said National Biennale of Fine Arts (Painting) 2005
- Exhibition of competition of Al-Gharbia artists Salon (Painting) , Tanta Culture Palace 2005
- Exhibition of Fine Arts (Painting), Faculty of Education, Tanta University 2006
- Generation exhibition (3), Painting, Teaching Staff, Faculty of Specify Education, Tanta University 2006
- Exhibition of Al-Gharbia Youth Salon (Painting), Tanta Culture Palace 2006
- Exhibition of Fine Arts (Painting) , the National Feast of Alexandria 2007
- Exhibition of Al-Gharibia artists salon (Painting) , Tanta Culture Palace 2007
-8th Port Said National Biennale of Fine Arts (Drawing) 2005
- Exhibition of Al-Gharbia artists (Painting) Shebeen Al-Kom Culture Palace 2007
- Generation exhibition(4) `Sculpture`of teaching staff of Faculty of Specify Education , Tanta University 2008
- The participation in events of the International conference of scientific research development, Tanta University 2008
- Exhibition of Fine art of Al-Gharbia artists, Tanta Culture Palace 2008
- Exhibition of the 3rd celebration competition of people arts, Luxor , the General authority of Culture Palaces 2008
- The art competition of the National campagin of fights hepatitis , Tanta University 2008
International exhibitions
- 1st Triennale of Arabic Calligraphy , Arts Palace , Opera 2000
-5th and 6th Cairo International Ceramics Biennale Arts Center 2000, 2002
- Scholarship of 5th Pottery Forum (Qena) , the General authority of Culture Palaces 2003
- Scholarship of Luxor studios - The General authority of Culture palaces 2004
- The supervison of the workshop (Painting) in Tanta Culture Palace 2004
Publications and activities
- Research about crafts ( The General authority of Culture Palaces) 2008
Local recognition
- 2nd prize from drawing by caricature competition - Center of Information and education by communication 2001
- 3rd prize (Painting) Al-Gharabia Youth Salon , Al-Gharbia Culture administration 2001
- 1st prize (Painting) the competition of Youth and workers of the General authority of Culture Palaces 2001
- 1st prize (Painting) Al-Gharbia Youth Salon , Al-Gharabia Culture administration 2002
- 1st prize (Drawing) Al-Gharbia Youth Salon , Al-Gharbia Culture administration 2003
- 1st prize (Drawing) the National competition (Sports and Youth) , Tanta 2004
Private collection
- At art lovers
State collection
Center of Information and education by communication - Cairo
- The General authority of Culture palaces - Cairo
- Ministry of Sports and Youth - Cairo
- Qena Culture Palace
- Luxor Culture Palace
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