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Salama Mohamed Aly Ibrahim
Personal Data
Fame Name : Salama Mohamed
Birth date : 15/11/1963
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Sculpture
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- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts, Sculpture Department , Helwan University 1987
- MA in Art Education , Faculty of Specify Education , Sculpture, Menit Al-Nasr - Daqahalia 1995
- PhD of Philosophy in Specify Education - Art Education , Sculpture, Faculty of Specify Education , Ain Shams University 2002
- Member of Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Lecturer in Faculty of Specify Education , Menit Al-Nasr - Daqahalia 1991
- Assistant instructor in Faculty of Specify Education, Sculpture department , Menit Al-Nasr 1996
- Sculpture instructor in Faculty of Specify Education , Mansoura , and its branches in (Miet Ghamr and Menit Al-Nasr) 2002
- Assistant professor of Sculpture department , Faculty of Specify Education, Mansoura, and its branches in ( Miet Ghamr and Menit Al-Nasr) 2007
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Libya
Solo shows
- Exhibition `Wooden sculpture` at Tanta Culture Palace 1985
- Exhibition `Wooden sculpture` at Al-Mahla Al-Kobra Culture Palace 1986
- At Cairo Atelier , November 1986
- At gallery of Ibn Loqman House, Mansoura, March 2004
- At Creation and Critique Center - Ahmed Shawky Museum , June 2005
- At gallery of Ibn Loqman House , Mansoura Museum , March 2006
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of the National feast of the governorate , Al-Gharbia 1981
- The National competition of Fine Arts of the Specialized faculties 1984
- Collective exhibition ar Culture houses and palaces in Al-Gharbia 1985
-26th Pioneers exhibition , Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1986
- The National competition of Fine Arts of the Specialized faculties 1986
-1st Youth Salon , June 1989
- 10th Salon of the National association , Nile gallery , March 1991
- Collective exhibition `Sculpture` at Mansoura Culture Palace , March 2001,2002
- Collective exhibition at gallery of Ibn Loqman House, Mansoura Museum , March 2003
- The participation in Daqahalia Salon 2003,2004,2005
- 7th Port Said National Biennale , March 2005
International exhibitions

Local recognition
- Sculpture prize in the National feast of the governorate 1981
- Encouragement prize in the National competition of Fine Arts of the Specialized faculties 1984
- 1st sculpture prize , 26th Pioneers exhibition, Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1986
- Encouragement prize in the National competition of Fine Arts of the Specialized faculties 1986
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and Germany

State collection
- Ministry of Culture ( The General authority of Culture palaces)
- Ministry of Sports and Youth
- Ministry of irrigation and water sources
- Helwan University
- Mansoura University
- Ain Shams University
- Al-Marqab University in Libya
- Sculpture works at:
- Leadership of the 3rd army (Suez)
- Ministry of Teaching and Education
- South Cairo Sector
- The Easter Company
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