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Samat Sami Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Al-Bieh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Samat Al-Bieh
Birth date : 20/8/1982
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Design
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- BA of Faculty of Specific Education - department of Art Education 2003 .
- 3rd Specialist of Fine arts at Al-Anfoshi culture palace , in Alexandria .
Places of interest
- Alexandria .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition (Alexandrian artists) 2006 .
- Exhibition of the 2nd Forum of Arabic calligraphy ( Music of sky) 2006 .
- Exhibition ( Ramadan lights) 2006 .
- Private Alexandria competition at West and Middle Delta region 2007 .
- Private Alexandria competition at Alexandria Culture palace 2007 .
- 10th Nagy Youth Salon 2007 .
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition of the 2nd Forum of Arabic calligraphy ( Sky music) 2006
- Certificate of Merit from exhibition ` Ramadan lights` 2006
- Certificate of Merit from Private Alexandria competition at West and Middle Delta region 2007
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