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Ahmed Mohamed M.Abdel Razeq
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Abdel Razeq
Birth date : 17/12/1975
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Decor
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- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts (Department of Interior Design and Furniture) 1998
- MA in Applied Arts 2004
- PhD of Philosophy in Applied Arts
- Member of Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Lecturer in Faculty of Applied Arts ( Department of Interior design and Furniture) 1998
- Assistant instructor in Faculty of Applied Arts ( Department of Interior design and Furniture) 2004
Places of interest
- Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions in Geother Institute in the field of Design and execute furniture under supervison of the German designer ` Florain Bourcaihagen` and artist ` Hanze Angarar` 1998,1999,2000
- 41st Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 2001
- The participation in competition ( Dream of the Contemporary Egyptian House) which held under auspices of the Canadian project in Egypt and Association of Furniture development in Damietta - May 2007
- The participation in design and prepartion of exhibition of the 3rd Forum of employment Alumni of Helwan University 2000
- The participation in Design and prepartion of ceremony (Egypt Day) which held in Nasser High Military Academy ` The High War Faculty) 2000
- Design and execute many furniture pieces beside interior design works and decor since graduation till now
Publications and activities
- The participation in workshops held in Geothe Institute in field of Design and execute furniture under supervison of the German designer ` Florian Bourcainhagen` and artist (Hanz Angarar)
Local recognition
- Certificate of Merit for his participation in competition ` Dream of the Contemporary Egyptian House` which held under auspices of the Canadian project in Egypt and Association of Furniture Development in Damietta - May 2007
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