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Ahmed Atef Beru
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ahmed Beru
Birth date : 14/10/1978
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Fine Arts `Helwan University` .
- Preliminary MA ( Design Department) 2003 .
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury artists 1996 .
- Member of Sakiet Al-Sawy .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 2002 .
- Execute some Facade of stores `Stone face` .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Fine Arts in occasion of the Silver Jubilee of October victory `Oil painting` 1998 .
- Two exhibitions of the National Center of the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth `Oil painting` 1999
- Exhibition of Pioneers of Art - Ain Shams University - Faculty of Arts `Oil painting` 1999 .
- Exhibition in Al-Azhar University with Helwan University 1999 .
- Exhibition of the National Competition of Sport and Youth 1999/2000 - Oil painting
- Exhibition of the National Competition of Ministry of Youth 2000/2001
- The participation in Collective exhibition of Fine Arts 2001 - Oil painting
- Exhibition in the General Union of Youth Labours 2001 - Oil painting
- Exhibition in Ain Shams University in occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Faculty ` Department of Arts) Oil painting 2001 .
- The participation in workshop of Festival of 17th Youth Salon 2005 .
- Art participation in the American University - Cairo , in occasion of the Global Day of Refugee - Sawa Band - Town House 2007 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine creation (19th Youth Salon) 2008 .
- 8th Port Said National Biennale at Al-Nasr museum of the Modern Art and Mubarak library in Port Said, March 2009 .
- Exhibition (Camera and artist) of artists of the Egyptian association of Photography, Fine Arts gallery in the Musician library , June 2009 .
International exhibitions
- Exhibition(Photographs around the Modern Egypt) , Cuba , September 2009 .
- Member of the General Union of Labor Youth - Ministry of Youth 1996.
- Honorary membership in Ain Shams University - Faculty of Arts - Department of European Civilization 2001.
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