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Abla Shawky Ahmed Al-Gaml
Personal Data
Fame Name : Abla Al-Gaml
Birth date : 9/3/1971
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Helwan University 1993
- MA in Fine Arts - Painting Department - Helwan University 2000
- Ph.D in Fine Arts - Painting Department - Helwan University 2006
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Helwan University 1993:2000
- Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Helwan University from 2000: 2006
-Currently professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting Department - Helwan University 2006
Solo shows
- At show gallery in Gomharia newspaper 2001
- At `Ramatan` gallery in Taha Hussien Museum 2002
Local exhibitions
- Participated in around 16 joint exhibition since 1993:2006
- Exhibition about Intafada in Helwan University
- Exhibition ` Creation` for youth of Painting Department at Creation gallery 2006
- Exhibition for Egyptian Female artists in Prince Taz palace , April 2008
Local recognition
Certificate of Merit from Helwan University 1993
- Prize and Certificate of Merit from Association of Giza Artists and writers in Photography 1994
- Prize of artist/ Ezz Al-Dien Hamouda in Painting 1994
- 4th prize and Certificate of Merit from the 7th Annual Global Conference of Faculty of Medicine - Ain Shams University 2002
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad
State collection
- Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo
-Faculty of Medicine - Ain Shams
- Gomharaia newspaper
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