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Curriculum Vitae
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Medhat Shaaban Abbas Abdel Hai
Personal Data
Birth date : 1/8/1973
Activities : Ceremics
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- BA of Faculty of Art Education 1999 .
- Master of Art Education, 2005. .
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Fine Arts in Helwan University 1996 , 1997, 1998 , 1999
- The National Competition of Fine Arts in the Supreme Council of Sport and Youth 1996, 1997, 1998 , 1999
- 4th Port Said National Biennale 1998
- 38th Pioneers exhibition 1998 , 39th 1999- Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
- 4th Pottery Forum 2002
International exhibitions
- 5th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 2000, 6th 2002 .
Local recognition
- 1st prize in Fine Arts - Helwan University , The Supreme Council of Sport and Youth 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
International recognition
- Jury prize in 5th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 2000
State collection
- The Supreme Council of Sport and Youth
- Gamasa City
- Al-Shabab magazine
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