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Mahmoud Ahmed Abdullah
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mahmoud Abdullah
Birth date : 12/2/1936
Place of birth : Alexandria
Date of death : //2002
Activities : Graphic - Print

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Engraving Department - Alexandria University 1962
- MA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Engraving Department - Alexandria University 1972
- Diploma in Graphic Design - Italy 11974
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists 792/98 .
- worked in teaching in the Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University then in the Faculty of Applied Arts - Cairo .
Places of interest
- Alexandria.
- Cairo .
- Italy .
Solo shows
- He staged 8 Solo exhibitions in Italy in Venicia , Melano , Arbiano .
- He staged around 17 exhibition in Egypt , Italy , Austria and Switzerland .
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many General exhibitions inside Egypt .
- He made empiricals Association 1964 with his colleges Saeed Al-Adawi , Mustafa. Abdel Moaati and staged 6 exhibitions with this association in Alexandria and Cairo
- The Annual Salon of Writers and Artists Society in Alexandria 1965-1974
- The Annual Salon of Musuem of Fine Arts - Alexandria 1965-1988
- All sessions of the General National exhibition - Cairo .
- Exhibition of the Contemporary Egyptian Graphic Art .
- Exhibition of Acquistions of teh Cultural National Center ( Opera House) 1973 Selections from the Contemporary Egyptian Art .
- Exhibition in Arabesque Gallery with Mustafa Abdel Moaati 1984
- Exhibition in Arabesque Gallery with Ahmed Nawar 1988
- Exhibition in Cairo Gallery with Mohamed Rezq and Ahmed Nabil 1993 .
- 3rd Exhibition of the National Graphic Art 2005 .
International exhibitions
- 6th Alexandria International Biennale 1965, 8th 1970 .
- International Assembly of Graphic , Italy 1974 .
- Valbizaro International Biennale - Chile 1983 .
- Norway International Biennale of Graphic Art 1982-1984 .
- Vencia International Biennale - Italy 1984 .
- Scholarship to Italy to study Graphic Art at the end of 1970 where he got Diploma in Graphic Art 1973 then Diploma in Book design from Venicia Academy 1975 .
Publications and activities
- He shared in establishing Roumoz House of print and publish the Art origins in Italy where he works as a Graphic responsible .
International recognition
- 1st prize in Graphic from Alexandria International Biennale - 9th Session .
Private collection
- At individuals inside Egypt and abroad .
sa`ed..Mahmoud..and Mustafa
-They are the basic pillars upon which `experimental group` stands. Their names are arranged alphabetically on purpose, and cannot be arranged in any other way. They not only accept that, but they are keen on it. This is because their group is unique; it is not a school, neither a faith, nor a creed, except that they believe in the necessity of experience for an artist. I can even hear their voice saying: what is new in that?
All artists, everywhere and at all times, are goverened, motivated by experience; thus those three are not strange concerning this ideas.
- Maybe what they mean by experience basically differs from other experiences. When an artist says experience, he means his own stance from the different artistic problems interacting with previous experiences which he respects and make use of. But those three fellows question everything and tackle it as an experience.They think that considering the previous experiences of others with respect will make it everything; hence, we are liberated from an academy to be enslaved by the other at an age when science refused to believe in old terms such as `the part that cannot be divided` wich is the atom, and it smashed it. science even refused to be governed by the laws of nature, and broke the laws of gravity flying in the skies... and the rest will come. At this age which is known for liberation and rush accompanied by doubts and feelings of loss, and confusion before all the miracles we live in. Thus, it makes sense to find in art those who are trying to reach something new through experience everythingm. This puts art and science on the same level in our generation, and prepares the artist to the era of space and transportations among orbits which would be at the same time the age of the comprehensive atomic catastrophe.
-Hence, the three experimentalists are not connected by a certain creed, faith or school, but rather a stance determined by ones own experiences in a way that they do not resemble each other in their attitude -the attitude of rejection of facts without disscusing them-, and reaching the whole personal expresion through trial. And so they are colleagues of the same group; yet, the nature of this group imposes on them the fact that the style of each one of them must be different so it would be difficult to tell which one is better or to arrange them in any way except alphabetically.

Hassan Zaza
Graduated from High section of state in Louvre
Phd of state in literature, Sorbon
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