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Tarek Gad Al-Kareem Ahmed Mohamed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Tarek Gad Al-Kareem
Birth date : 27/9/1970
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Ceremics
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- BA of Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education 1994
- MA in Art Education 2002
- Assistant Instructor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Cairo University
- Instructor in the Faculty of Specify Education - Department of Art Education - Cairo University
Solo shows
- In Menshiet Nasser Youth Center 2004
Local exhibitions
- 1st Collective exhibition ( Graphic) 1996
- Pioneers exhibition - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1998
- Exhibitions of Teaching Staff of the Faculty of Specify Education - Mubarak General Library 2000
-16th Youth Salon 2004
- Ceramics Biennale - Ismalia
- Panorama of the Contemporary Egyptian Ceramics - Alexandria Library
-5th Nile Salon of Photography 2004
-17th Youth Salon 2005
-1st Festival of Fine Creation ( General exhibition and 1st Fine Art Fair 2007)
- Design many medals and Logos
Publications and activities
- Workshop of Book imagination - Alexandria Library 2002
- Workshop of 1st Child Biennale 2004 - Cairo
Local recognition
- Won many Certificates of Merit
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