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Ali Gamal Ali Hassan Salama
Personal Data
Birth date : 13/9/1983
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Graphic
Email : , ,

BA from Faculty of Fine Arts- Graphic Department - Printed design Section - Mania University
Local exhibitions
participated in a lot of collective exhibitions in Mania
- In Sakiet al-Sawy
- Youth Salon in Mania Culture Palace
- Exhibition from the beginning in the Show gallery in Faculty of Fine Arts - Mania University
-16th Youth Salon 2004.
-17th Youth Salon 2005.
- 1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon 2007)
- 47th Pioneers exhibition ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 2007
Local recognition
- Prize of 47th Pioneers exhibition ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 2007
Private collection
At a lot of artists
State collection
Menia University
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