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Faysal Hassan Mohamed Ali
Personal Data
Fame Name : Faysal Hassan
Birth date : 22/1/1964
Place of birth : Aswan
Activities : Graphic - Print

- BA of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Zamalek 1987
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- worked for year and half as a teacher of Art Education
- Currently Specialist of Fine Arts -Aswan Culture branch
Places of interest
- Aswan - Cairo
Local exhibitions
- Joint exhibition in Aswan Culture Palace 1988, 1994, 1996
-Port Said National Biennale 1998
- Joint exhibition of region artists - Cairo Atelier
- Joint exhibition of region artists - Rod Al-Farag Culture Palace
-Joint exhibition of region artists - Shebeen Al-Koum Culture Palace
- Joint exhibition in the Greek Cultural Center - Cairo
- Joint exhibition in the Indian Cultural Center - Cairo
Private collection
- At individuals in India , Germany , Greece ,and Egypt
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