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Curriculum Vitae
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Ana Boughegian
Personal Data
Birth date : //1946
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting

- BA in Fine Arts in the American University , Cairo 1970 .
- Fine Arts School in Montrial - Canada 1974 .
- Fine Arts Certificate in Concoard University in Montarial 1975 .
- Fine Arts School in Mexico 1976 .
- Teach drawing to children from Al-Tabt 1984 .
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Solo shows
- `Diell Bello` Gallery , Tornoto , Canada 1982 .
- Cairo Atelier from 1983:1988 .
-`Froum` Gallery in Athens 1986 .
- Dr.Hassan Ragab Gallery in Cairo 1987 .
- Number one Gallery in Yemen 1988 .
- Mashrabia Gallery 1988 .
- Kareem Francesis in Cairo 1995 .
Private collection
- Private groups in Europe - Canada - Mexico - Egypt .
State collection
- Mural painting of Youth Hospital in Montarial 1977 .
- Mural painting in Croatia 1978 .
- The Labor Bank in Athens - Center ( Vannie) in Montarial - the Candian Bank .
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