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Curriculum Vitae
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Mohamed Reda Mohamed Al-Saiad
Personal Data
Birth date : 30/8/1974
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Sculpture
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- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1997
- MA in Art Education 2001
- Member of Association of League of Art Educatin Alumni
- Member of Association of Al-Ghury artists
- Assistant instructor in the Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many Youth and Sport exhibitions
- 42nd Pioneers exhibition ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 2002
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff - Horus Gallery 2002
- Exhibition of Association of Al-Ghury artists 2003
- Collective exhibition in the Faculty of Art Education - Horus gallery 2003
- Exhibition of Teaching Staff - Sakiet Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy 2003
- 28th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2003
- Kamal Abiad competition in the Faculty of Art Education 2003, 2004
- 6th Folk Pottery Forum - Qena 2004
-16th Youth Salon 2004
- Exhibition entitle ` Light of Shape` - Palace of Arts , November 2004
-17th Youth Salon 2005
- Exhibition `Ramadaniat` - Cairo Atelier , October 2005
Local recognition
- 2nd prize `Sculpture` Kamal Ebied competition - Faculty of Art Education 2003
-3rd prize in 17th Youth Salon 2005
State collection
-Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
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