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Curriculum Vitae
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Eman Fathi Ahmed
Personal Data
Birth date : 14/11/1977
Activities : Media

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Department - Print Design Section - Helwan University
- MA from Graphic Department
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition ` Bashaier 1, 2` - Faculty of Fine arts and Rod al-Farag Culture Palace
- Exhibition` Civilization and Dangers` Syndicate of Fine artists
- In Semiramis Intercontintel Hotel `
- 3rd Salon of Mini Works of Art 1999 - Arts Center - Ministry of Culture
- 5th Port Said National Biennale 2001, 6th 2003 - Port Said - Ministry of Culture
- 27th National exhibition of Fine arts - Palace of Arts - Ministry of Culture
- 14th Exhibition of Luxor studios - Luxor - Ministry of Culture
-15th Youth Salon 2003
Local recognition
- Won many Encouragement Prizes in the art competitions
Private collection
- At arts lovers in Luxor
State collection
-Al -Rahini Culture Palace
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