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Sami Mahrous Ahmed Abdel Wahed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Sami Mahrous Ahmed
Birth date : 2/11/1963
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Jewelry
Email : , ,

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Department of Metal products and Jewlery - Helwan University 1988
- MA in Applied Arts - Department of Metal products and Jewelry - Helwan University 1995
- PhD of Philosophy in Applied Arts - Department of Jewelry and Metal Products - Helwan University 2000
- Member of the Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers
- Member of the Egyptian Association of packing and covering
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Board member of Department of Jewelry and Metal products
- Lecturer in the Faculty of Applied Arts , Department of Industrial Designs , Metal Section , Helwan University 1995
- Assistant Instructor in the Faculty of Applied Arts , Department of Jewelry and Metal Products, Helwan University 1995:1999
- Instructor in the Faculty of Applied Arts - Department of Jewelry and Metal Products , Helwan University from 2000 till 2003
- delegated to teach in Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 2000
- Delegated to teach in the Art Education Department - Faculty of Specify Education - Mansoura University 2001/2003
Places of interest
- Cairo
Solo shows
- Exhiition entitle ` towards best tomorrow` - Sector of Fine Arts 1989
- Exhibition entitle ` October victories` - Shoubra District 1991
- Exhibition entitle ` Jewelry from my country` - The Grand Show Gallery - Faculty of Applied Arts 2002
- Exhibition entitle ` dualism in Jewelry` Al-Salamlek Gallery - Maadi 2003
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of Minsitry of Industry of Manual Crafts - Faculty of Applied Arts
- Jewelry exhibition of Giza , inauguarted by premier Prof/ Atef Abied 2002
- 1st Festival of Jewlery - Geizira Arts Center , January 2002
Publications and activities
- Scientific works:
- Shared in write books of Ministry of Teaching and Education and development the curriculum of the Industrial Education like:
- Book entitle` Basises of the Metal works of Students of the Faculties of Speicfy Education and Art Education 2001
- Write book in Technology of operations of Students of Decoration metals Department 2002
- Write book in Technology of operations of students of Metal Furniture Department 2002
-Cultural Sympsoiums:
- Symposiums and courses in the field of Fine Arts ` Metal works` - Sarry Al-Kobba Youth Center , 2001
- The participation in the Lectures and courses which organized by the Global Council of Gold , Sheberd Hotel 2001
- Media:
- Write articles in the Official and Arab newspapers and magazines about Jewelry and Gold suits : Al-Ahram , Al-Gomharia , Al-Akhabar, October , Nesf Al-Donia , Horyati , Faryouz magazines
- Scientific researches:
- Research in the volume of the 7th Scientific Conference - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University in the period from 11 to 12 November 2000
-Research in magazine of Helwan University ( Arts and Science) - 14th Volume - 3rd issue - July 2002
-Joint research in the private volume of the 8th Scientific Conference , Faculty of Applied Arts , Helwan University in the period from 2 November to 3 November 2002
-Research in the accompained Conference of the 1st Jewlery festival under auspices of Ministry of Culture - Geizira Arts Center of Fine Arts entitle : aesthetics of jewlery
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