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Curriculum Vitae
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Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed Hasanin Mohamed
Personal Data
Birth date : 13/8/1976
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting
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- BA in painting- Faculty of Fine Arts- Alexandria- University - 2000.
- assigned for two years teaching at the Faculty of Fine Arts Alexandria University.
Local exhibitions
- has been participating in the art movement since 1996:
- Alexaria Atelier Salon.
- 6th Nagy Salon- 2001.
- the Autumn Salon- 2002.
- 5 Artists Exhibition- Sidi Gaber Cultural Palace.
- a group exhibition on Mahmoud Said Celebration for Portraite.
- Land Scape Exhibition- Khan Al-Maghrabi.
- Exhibition with the Teaching staff of the Fine Arts Faculty- 2000.
- 6th Small works Salon- 2003.
- 14th / 16 Youth Salon- 2002- 2004.
- Exhibition Port Saied Biennale .
- Golden jubilee Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria .
- Autumn Salon Side gabber in Alexandria .
- Exhibition ( light and Engineering workshop ) in Alexandria 2014
- Exhibition (Agenda ) in Alexandria 2015 .
International exhibitions
-Three international participations.
Local recognition
- the Painting prize from Alexandria Atelier- at the Atelier Salon.
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