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Farouk Abu Al-Yazied Shabl Farghali
Personal Data
Fame Name : Farouk Shabl
Birth date : 13/7/1942
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Decor Department - Helwan University 1968
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists 4654/1795 Decor
- Member of Teachers Syndicate 1169107
- Delegated for teaching in Faculty of Specify Education in Tanta 1987 till 1991
- Ex -General guide in Education and Teaching Divison - Tanta 2002
- Interior designer
- Currently Free artist
Places of interest
- Tanta
- Libya , Saudi Arabia , Tunisia , Kuwait
Solo shows
- Many exhibitions in Tripoli from 1972 till 1976
- In Kuwait 1991
- Many exhibitions in Saudi Arabia in Al-Gouf and Hafr Al-Baten area till 1998
- Exhibitions in Tanta and Al-Mahala Al-Kobra 2004
- Exhibitions in Tanta Culture Palace 2004
- In Faculty of Specify Education - Tanta 2005
- Exhibition entitle `Search for Balance` Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center 2007
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibitions in Tanta Culture Palace 1984
- 5th and 6th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002,2003
- Collective exhibitions in Tanta and Al-Mahala Al-Kobra 2002,2003,2004
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
International exhibitions
- Collective exhibitions in Saudi Arabia and Al-Gouf area 1994
- Collective exhibitions in Kuwait 1996
- Beautification Hafr Al-Baten City in Saudi Arabia which inaugurated by Hafr Al-Baten Prince/ Abdel Rahaman Al-Soudies
- Beautification Teaching and Education divison in Tanta and all adminustrations related to it
Publications and activities
- Make all magazines covers in the Art and Scientific fields
Local recognition
- 1st prize on the Republic level ` Design logo of handicapped` 1982, Al-Tahrir compound
- 2nd prize on the Republic level 1983,1984
- Many prizes on the level of Mass culture in Tanta 1998
International recognition
- Many prizes in Teaching and Education in Saudi Arabia , Libya , Kuwait 1974,1984
Private collection
- At individuals in Kuwait 1974
- Oil tableaus at princes and Individuals in Al-Gouf and Hafr Al-Baten city - Saudi Arabia 1984
- At individuals in Tanta , Canada 2002
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