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Ibrahim Mustafa Ibrahim Shalaby
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ibrahim Shalaby
Birth date : 2/8/1966
Place of birth : Kafr Al-Sheikh
Activities : Painting
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- BA of Faculty of Commerce - Tanta University 1989 .
- Member of Syndicate of Fine artists .
- Member of the General Syndicate of Press and information .
- Founder member of association of the Arab dream ( Art - Cultural - Charity) .
Places of interest
- Spaina .
- Saudi Arabia .
- Cario .
Solo shows
- At Kafr Al-Sheikh Culture Center 2001,2002 .
- At (Engy Aflatun) gallery in Cairo Atelier 2003 .
- At the Spanish Cutural Cenetr , Alexandria 2003 .
- Exhibition at (Hussien Bicar, Abdel Salam Sherif) galleries in Journalists Syndicate , May 2009 .
Local exhibitions
- 1985 -1999 participated in many Collective exhibitions in schools ,universities, and Culture palaces .
- Collective exhibitions at Kafr Al-Sheikh Culture palace -Tanta 1997-1998 .
- 4th and 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2000, 2002 .
- Scholarship from the Spanish Cultural Center 1997:1999 .
- Design cover and Interior drawings (25 paintings) of divan of the Saudi poet Abdullah Ibn Fayez Al-Amry 1993 .
- Art co-operation in Fine art at Madrid - Spain in Riena Sufia museum of Modern art 1997:1999 .
Publications and activities
- Workshops with artist/ Aghada Di Labiesa) Madrid - Spain .
- Workshops with artist/ Jouish Louis Bakhouras) - Spain .
- Workshops with artist/ Antonio Al-Cazar - Madrid - Spain .
Local recognition
- 1st prize , Arab Calligraphy and decoration 1987 .
- 1st prize Oil Painting 1988 .
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt, Spain, Saudi Arabia .
State collection
- Tanta University .
- Mohamed Rasheed organization in Alexandria .
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