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Mustafa Hussien
Personal Data
Birth date : 7/3/1935
Date of death : 16/8/2014
Activities : Caricature

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting department 1959
- Member of the Supreme council of Culture
- Head editor of Caricature magazine
- Chairman of Alumni association of Fine Arts 1964
- Head of the Egyptian association of Caricature 1993
- Head of Fine Artists 2002
- Worked in Journalism since 1953 till now
- Presented drawings of many newspapers and magazine like: Al-Akhabar - Eve - Al-Kawakeb - Samir - Al-Masaa
Local exhibitions
- Participated in many International and Local exhibitions
-1st Exhibition of Press illustration at arts palace , Opera - March 2004
- Festival of Fine Creation of Child , Arts Palace , January 2006
- At Cairo Atelier 2007
- At Mahmoud Saeed Center of Museums , Alexandria 2008
International exhibitions
- Exhibition (Egyptian smiles) in 18th Gabrofu Biennale , Bulgaria , May 2007
- Participated in establishment Krawn magazine 1964
- presented many drawings of children books in Egypt and Arab world
- Invented many sarcastic characaters
Local recognition
- Aly and Mustafa Amien prize 1985 as a best Egyptian Press painter
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