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Curriculum Vitae
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Hussam Al-Said Mohamed Saeed
Personal Data
Birth date : 28/8/1961
Place of birth : Al-Gharbia
Activities : Painting

- BA of Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 1986
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of the National Association of Fine Arts
- Member of Syndicate of Gharnata artists ` Spain`
- Founder member of Association of Artistic Dialogue `Spain`
- Technical member in Palace of Arts - Fine Arts Sector
Solo shows
- At Tanta Culture Palace 1978 - Tanta
- At Faculty of Art Education 1981 - Cairo
- At Show gallery in Faculty of Art Education 1983 - Cairo
- At Abdel Moniem Al-Sawy gallery 1989 - Cairo
- At the Spanish Cultural Center - Cairo 1990
- At Unicaja Culture Palace - Spain 1990
- At Show gallery ( CAJA RUROL) - Spain 1991
- At Show gallery - Ghranata University - Spain 1991
- At ( COJA MADRID) Culture Center and (ANICAJA) Culture Palace - Spain 1992
- At (CARTEL) gallery - Spain
- At Show gallery in Spain 1992
- At ( UNICAJA) gallery - Spain
- At (CARTEL) gallery - Spain 1992
- At ( UNICAJA) gallery - Spain 1995 - TORRENREVA gallery - Spain
- At Tanta Culture Palace - Al-Gharbia 1978
- At Show gallery of Faculty of Arts - Helwan University - Cairo 1981
- At the Spanish Cultural Center - Cairo 1990
-At Show gallery ` CAJA RURAL` - Spain 1991
- At `TORRE NUEVA` gallery - Spain 1994 -1995
- In the Egyptian Institute of Islamic studies - Madrid , Spain 1995
- In the Egyptian Cultural Center - London , England 1996
- Ambulant exhibition in ` Braj - Vennia` 1997
- At the Official gallery of ` MARBELLA` - Spain 1998
- At ` UNICAJA` gallery - Spain
- At gallery of Fine Arts - Belguim
- Ambulant exhibition in 1998-1999
- Museum of Fine Arts - Spain
- The National Museum in `JAEN`
- The National Museum of `HUELVA` city
- At the Official gallery of :
Local exhibitions
- The participation in the National exhibition of Fine Arts since 1980
- Collective exhibition in gallery of Foreign Diplomats 1985 - Cairo
- Collective exhibition in Al-Khartoum - Sudan 1988
- 1st Salon of Youth - Opera , Cairo -Egypt 1989
- 9th Salon of the National Association of Arts at Nile gallery - Cairo
- At Nile gallery 1990 - Cairo
- At ` CASARRUBUELOS` gallery among the Annual Salon of waters works in the Global Festival - Madrid , Spain 1991
- Sculpture and Painting exhibition of the Official gallery in Garrucha - Spain 1992
- The Egyptian Cultural Week in Lucena city - Qortuba 1993
- The Egyptian Cultural Week in Srouqata City
- The Egyptian Cultural Week in Qortuba
- Collective exhibition entitle ` Egyptian visions` at the building of the Oru Arab University - Gharnata 1994
-Exhibition at ` Garasia Lourca` gardens
- At the Red palace - Gharnata 1995
- At Arte Director gallery - Spain
- At Academy of Fine Arts - Rome - Italy 1996
- At the Private museum ` Rodrigves Acosta` - Spain 1997
International exhibitions
- Fourfold exhibition in Sudan 1988
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon , part 1 , prepared by Prof/ Sobhy Al-Sharouny 1994, produced by Fine Arts Sector
Local recognition
- Prize of the 14th General exhibition of Fine Arts 1984 - Cairo
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo
- The Supreme Council of Sports and Youth - Cairo
- Ibercaja Museum - Spain
- La Genral Museum
- Museum of Modern Art ` Jorgo Castillo` - Madrid
- Marbella Museum - Spain
- Building of the Euro Arab University
- The Egyptian embassies in : ` London - Madrid - Vennia - Brag - Boudabest`
- Academy of Fine Arts - Rome - Italy
- The Islamic studies Center - Madrid
- Vncaja Bank - Spain
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