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Hala Abdel Aziz Al-Khawas
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hala Al-Khawas
Birth date : 18/7/1936
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Art Sponsors

- Diploma of the High Institute of Fine Arts of Female teachers 1959
- Teaching diploma 1960
- MA in Art Education 1976
- PhD in Art Education, Textile section 1982
- Member of Syndicate of Educational Professions
- Ex-General Manager of the Central Adminstration of the producer families
- Currentlty Part- Time professor in Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University
Solo shows
- Exhibition of the Manual textile at Al-Sharaa gallery in Faculty of Specify Education , Cairo 1995
- Exhibition of the Manual textile at Horus gallery , Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University 2000
-Exhibition of the Manual textile at ` Kamal Khalifa` gallery in Geizira Arts Center 2000
- At ` Al-Hussien Fawzy` gallery , Geizira Arts Center 2003
Local exhibitions
-4th Salon of Mini Works of Arts, Arts Center , Akhenaton gallery 2000
- Development the countryside and environmental industries and folk crafts
- Many studies in Folklore, Mini industries and producer families
- The supervison on National exhibitions in Egypt and the Arab and European countries
Local recognition
- Certificates of Merit from Ministries of Work force, Teaching and Education, and Social affairs
Private collection
- At some Foreign and Egyptian Characters and Families
State collection
- Museum of Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University
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