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Hisham Mohamed Mohamed Moustafa al-Hadad
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hisham al-Hadad
Birth date : 12/1/1982
Place of birth : Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Activities : Ceramics
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BA in Ceramics , from the Faculty of Applied Arts , Cairo University , 2003 .
-Currently preparing for MA in Ceramics History ( thesis : Development of the Egyptian ceramics in the 20th Century )
Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
-Member of the Syndicate of Applied Arts Designers .
-Member of the Arabian School of Cinema and Television on the Internet .
Places of interest
-Cairo , Alexandria .
Solo shows
At Ramtan Culture Center , Dr/ Taha Hussein Museum , 2004 .
- Exhibition `Water Colors` - The French Cultural Center - Heliopolis 2007
Local exhibitions
12th Youth Salon 2000 .
-4th Nile Salon for Photography , 2002 .
-An exhibition for Raco Ceramics , 2002 .
-5th Nile Salon for Photography , 2004 .
-6th Ceramics Symposium , Qena , 2004 .
-1st Festival of Fine Creation ( 18th Youth Salon 2007) .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (19th Youth Salon 2008)
International exhibitions
-A Photography Exhibition ` Novar ` , Italy 2003 , 2004 .
- Exhibition of Photography in Rome - Italy 2004
Participated in building a fountain_ before Al Zaem Theater , Al Haram _ with Dr / Zeinab Salem and Dr. Eng / Shawky Marouf .
-Participated in building a fountain in Al Bahr Al Aazam St , el- Moneeb .
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