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Aida Mohammed Abdel-Kareem
Personal Data
Fame Name : Aida Abdel-Kareem
Birth date : 15/4/1926
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 24/5/2015
Activities : Ceramic
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- Diploma of the High Institute of Fine Arts Teachers, 1947.
- Fine Arts Teachers Certification, 1949.
- Postgraduate studies in ceramic sculpture from the Catholic University in Washington, 1955.
- Postgraduate diploma in sculpture from the Art Academy in Hungary, 1970.
- Course in heaters, the National Researches Center in Cairo, 1972.
- Course in Aesthetics Basics, New York University, 1976.
- Member of Teachers Syndicate.
- Fine Artists Association.
- Art and Life Friendship.
- Cairo Atelier Group of Artists and Writers.
- Art Lovers Society.
- Mukhtar Museum Friendship.
- Teacher at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University.
- Head of Sculpture Department.
- Emeritus professor of sculpture at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University.
Places of interest
- Quena, Menia, Suhag, Asuit, Mansoura, Zqaziq, Alexandria, Cairo.
Solo shows
- Solo show at the Art Lovers Society - 1980.
- Al-Salam art gallery - 1983.
- Foreign Diplomats art gallery - 1987.
- Switzerland - 1986.
- Lope Mayer Vienna - 1988.
- “Space” - 2001.
- “ Yearning to inspiring forms” - Khan al-Maghraby art gallery - January 2002 .
Local exhibitions
- Many editions of Cairo Salon and Art Education Alumni.
- General Exhibition and Art and Life exhibitions - 1969.
- Spring Exhibition at the Museum of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria -1982.
- Joint show with artist Zakaria al-Khanany at the Egyptian Center of - International Cultural Cooperation - 1993 - 1996.
- Ceramic and batik show by ten artists at Gezira Arts Center - 2001.
- The First Jewelry Festival at Gezira Arts Center - January 2002.
- The 28th National Art Exhibition 2003.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition - 2005.
- The 2nd Jewelry Festival at Gezira Arts Center - January 2006.
- Exhibition at Khan Maghraby Gallery- Zamalek- 2006.
- The 1st Fine Creation Festival- (General Exhibition and the 1st Fine Art Fair) 2007.
International exhibitions
- The 1st Cairo International Triennale for Ceramic - 1992.
- The 2nd Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic - 1994.
- The 4th Cairo International Biennale for Ceramic - 1998.
- Emeritus grant from Corcoran Art School in Washington, 1954-1955.
- Member of the Permanent High Committee of Professors Promotions of the Faculties of Fine Arts.
- Discussed and supervised many MA and Ph.D.studies.
Local and international Who's Who
- The Egyptian National Encyclopedia, Second Edition.
Local recognition
- Second Mukhtar prize for sculpture -1950.
- Third Mukhtar prize for sculpture - 1951.
- Prize for ceramic sculpture - Cairo Salon -1958.
State collection
- Egypt Modern Art Museum.
- Museum of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Menia.
- Fine Arts Museum in Budapest.
- Art and Life Center -al-Manesterly.
- Al-Sennary Art Center in Cairo.
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