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Afaf Mustafa Abdel Daim
Personal Data
Fame Name : Afaf Abdel Daim
Birth date : 10/1/1941
Date of death : 20/12/2012
Activities : Sculpture
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- BA in Arts and Education - Minsitry of High Education 1963
- Sculpture MA in Art Education - Ministry of High Education 1971
- Ph.D of Philosophy in Art Education (Sculpture)
- Member of League of Alumni of Education Institutes and Faculties
- Member of the Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Teachers Syndicate
- Board member of League of Alumni of the High Institute of Art Education
- Head of Art Education department in the Middle Faculty in Taaif 1984-1990
- Deputy of the Faculty of Education Affairs and Students for 9 years in the Faculty of Specify Education before and after its join to Cairo University from 1991:2001
- Freelance Sculpture Professor and Supervisor on Art Education Department in the Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo University since 2001 till 2005
Places of interest
- Cairo
Solo shows
- In the American University 1970
- In the Show Hall in the Faculty of Art Education 1978,1979
- In Arts Center - Zamalek 1992
- In the Show Hall in the Faculty of Art Education 1993
Local exhibitions
- The participation in the Art movement since 1966 till now
- Exhibitions of Ministry of Culture 1964,1970
- Exhibitions of Association of Fine Arts Lovers
- The 5th Exhibition of Applied Art 1967
- 23rd National Exhibition of Fine Arts 1993
- Exhibition staged by the General Authority of Culture Palaces and works display in:
- Rod al-Farag Culture Palace - Cairo 2002
- Al-Anfoshy Culture Palace - Alexandria 2002
- Fayum Culture Palace - Fayum 2002
International exhibitions
- The Competition on the level of the Kingdom of Sauid Arabia which held by Taaif Club 1986,1988
-2nd Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 1994
- Scientific mission to Biensalvenia in United States of America
- The supervision on the Fine activity in Zeinhom Youth Center 1965-1969
- The supervision on the Fine activity in Imbaba Youth Center 1969 - 1970
-The supervision on held exhibition of the Spontaneous artist/ Mahmoud al-Laban 1971 and participation in Symposium of analysis his works.
- Member of Fine Arts Jury Committee of Giza Youth Centers 1973
- Member of Fine Arts Jury Committee of Faculty of Foreign Commerce 1974
-Supervision and discus (72) thesis of MA and Ph.D till now in Cairo , Ain Shams, Helwan, Mansoura , Menia University
Local recognition
- Bronze Medal in the 5th Exhibition of Applied Art 1967
- Bronze Medal in the 23rd National Exhibition of Fine Arts 1993
International recognition
- The 2nd prize in the Art competition on the level of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which held by Al-Taief Literary Club
Private collection
- At individuals in Egypt - Netherlands - France - England - Libya - Syria
State collection
- Ministry of Culture from 1964 to 1970
- The American University 1970
- Assuit Governorate 1971,1973,1975
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art 1970,1975,1978,1990,1995
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