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Ramses Marzouq Tadrus
Personal Data
Fame Name : Ramses Marzouq
Birth date : 1/6/1940
Place of birth : Bani Swief
Date of death : 2/7/2021
Activities : Photography
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- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Painting Department , Helwan University 1959
- BA of the High Institute of Drama arts , Arts Academy , Painting 1963
- Study for a year in Cinema Institute , Rome, Italy (Centro Speremental) 1964
- PhD in Cinema , Surbon University, Paris - France 1983
- Member of the Egyptian association of Cinema
- Member of the Egyptian association of Photography
- Member of association of International Egypt`s Salon of Photography
- Member of Pioneers association of Photography
-Member of Syndicate of Cinematic professions 1288
- Head of association of Youth of cinema 1960
- Professor of Cinematic painting in the High Institute of Cinema - Arts Academy 1963 - Cairo
- Worked in the French Cinema Labs 1966
- Teaching in Cinema Institute , France IDEC 1982
- Teaching painting in the High Institute of Cinema , Paris ( 1979/1983) and ( 1980/1983)
- Teaching in Faculty of Information - Cairo University 1985 - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University from 1985 -1987
Places of interest
- Cairo - Paris - Italy
Solo shows
- Started his art activity as a participant by his paintings in the exhibitions 1958
- Held his first solo exhibitiin 1960 in the Modern Egyptian Art museum, Cairo , and his second exhibition in the same place 1963
- In Rome 1965
- In Paris 1968
- At Cinema Museum 1970
- Exhibition entitle ` images and shots` at show gallery in Gouna Hotel, Hurghada ,December 2005
Local exhibitions
- Exhibition of the Modern Egyptian Art 1960,1963 - Cairo
- Photography exhibition at Grand gallery 2005 - Cairo
-29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005
International exhibitions
- In Rome - Italy 1965
- In Cinema Museum - Paris - France 1968 -1970-1979
- Photographs exhibition in Art film Solvak 2001
- Exhibition for images of film Kharief Adam in Amman Cinematic festival 2003
- Photographs exhibition in Nant Cinematic festival - France 2004
- Scholarship to Italy 1964
- Established association of Youth of Cinema , and was its head , it consists of group of critiques and students of Cinema Institute like Youssef Francises and Ahmed Saleh 1960
- Participated in memberhsip of 10 Jury Committeee in Painting and Cinema festivals
- Established Framo company for production and distrubation (Paris - France) 1969 -1972
- Member of the Supreme Council of Arts and Social scinece care ( Cinema Committee) from 1977 till its cancellation
- Established studio 7 company of Art production ( Cairo - Egypt) 1978
- Member of Jury Committee of Photography exhibition of Kodak company 1984
- Member of Jury Committee of Kodak International exhibition 1987
- Established first Painting magazine entitle `Camera 88`, produced by International Egypt`s Salon of Photography and was its head editor 1988
- Member of Jury Committee of the Annual exhibition of the Egyptian association of Photography 1989
- Member of the High Committee of the festivals 1993 ( Film association)
- Head of Jury committee of State prize of Art creation (Photography) 1999
- Member of Jury Committee in Art Film Festival in Slovakia 2001
- Member of Jury Committeee of the fictional films in Alexandria festival 2003
- Member of Jury Committee of Video Clip festival - Sharm Al-Sheikh 2004
- Member of Jury Committee of 3rd Bouny International Festival in India 2005
Local and international Who's Who
- The French cinema chosen him as a professor of images in history of the Global cinema and held panorama for his works in Cinema museum , Paris
Local recognition
- Got 26 prize , medal and Certificate of Merit between 1959 and 1984
- Got 16 Certificate of Merit 1976
- 12 Local honoring from:
- Ministry of Culture - the High Institute of Cinema 1963
- Syndicate of Cinematic professions in Egypt 1984
- The International Festival of Register Cinema , Ismalia 1985
- The Supreme Council of Culture ( Ministry of Culture), in occasion of passing 100 year on the Egyptian Cinema 1996
- The Egyptian association of Photography 1997
- The International festival of Cinema , Alexandria 1999
- The National festival of the Egyptian Cinema (Ministry of Culture) 2002
- Prizes:
prize of fighting drugs , Interior ministry , Cairo 1959
- Prize of the African Asian friendship , best image express about the friendship 1960
- Prize of the Egyptian association of Photography , Cairo 1961
- From Mr.President/ Gamal Abdel Nasser , Cinema Institute 1963
- The National Center of Cinema , prize of best photography , dawn visitor film , directed by Mamdouh Shoukry 1973
- Music, Theatre and Cinema authority , prize of best photography - innocents film, directed by Mohamed Rady 1975
-Festival of film association , prize of best photographry , dawn visitor film , directed by Mamdouh Shoukry 1975
-The National festival of register films , opening of building , directed by Hashim Al-Nahas 1975
- Association of the Egyptian Cinema book and critique , dawn visitor film, directed by Mamdouh Shoukry 1976
- Festival of film association , best photography, Ah ya Lail ya zaman film, directed by Aly Reda 1977
- Festival of film association, best of photography, rising to abyses , directed by Kamal Al-Sheikh 1979
-The Egyptian association of writers and Cinema critics , film rising to abyses , directed by Kamal Al-Sheikh 1979
- The National festival of register films, water drop film, directed by Asmaa Al-Bakry 1980
- Cairo International Cinematic festival , peacok film, directed by Kamal Al-Sheikh 1982
- Film association festival , prize of best cinematic man in 10 years in the period from 1975 -1984
- The register film Festival - Toshka film , directed by Hashim Al-Nahas 1985
-Film association festival, summer stealing , directed by Yousry Nasr Allah 1987
- Film association festival , Alexandria Kaman and kaman , directed by Youssef Shahien 1990
- The Egyptian association of Cinema art , Alexandria kaman wa kaman , directed by Youssef Shahien 1991
- Film association festival , Marciedis film, directed by Yousry Nasr Allah 1994
- The Egyptian association of Cinema art , Emgirant film, directed by Youssef Shahien 1995
- The National festival of the Egyptian Cinema , Emigrant film, directed by Youssef Shahien 1995
- Photography oscar of the African cinema in South Africa, Emigrant film, directed by Youssef Shahien 1995
- Film association festival , Smile to image be sweet , directed by Sherif Arafa 1998
- The National festival of the Egyptian cinema , Autumn of Adam , directed by prof/ Mohamed Kamel Al-Qaliouby
- Film association festival , Alexandria New York 2005
International recognition
- Liberg festival - The Eastern Germany , prize of best photography for the Blue Nile film, directed by Hisham Al-Nahas 1973
- Honoring the French Tech Cinema ( Cinema Museum , Paris) 1979
- Hornoring from Syndicate of the Arab journalists Lous Anglos - America 2001
- Honoring from Art Film Slovak under title of Light of Egypt - Slovakia 2001
- Honoring from Amman festival - Masqat 2003
- Honoring from festivals of the three continents - Bannat - France 2004
State collection
- The French National library acquiant 40 images from his photography works 1970
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