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Amien Mohamed Ali Rayan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Amien Rayan
Birth date : 21/2/1925
Place of birth : Cairo
Date of death : 18/12/2014
Activities : Painting

- Studied in the Free Department `Painting` - Faculty of Fine Arts 1942 -1948 .
- BA of Faculty of Arts - Arabic Department - Ain Shams University 1956 -1961 .
- Member of Association of book Union .
- Member of Novel Club .
- Painter in Al-Manstierly Palaces .
Places of interest
- Cairo ` Rod Al-Farag - Citadel - Al-Menastirly in Al-Rouda - Bab Al-Shaaria - Zeitoun`.
Solo shows
- At artists house in Darb Al-Labana - Citadel 1942 .
- At Gougan gallery - Heliopolis 2006 .
Local exhibitions
- Exhibitions of Mukhtar Annual competition 1942 -1943 - 1944 - 1945 -1946 .
- Participated in all exhibitions of Association of Fine Arts Lovers under supervison of Prof/ Taha Hussien 1953 .
- Collective exhibitions in Collatoura Hall - Qasr Al-Nile 1957 -1958 .
- Exhibition of Arts Lovers - Exhibitions land 1955- 1956 .
- Exhibition of the Free artists in the Circle gallery 1954 .
- 2nd Festival of Fine Creation (31st General exhibition) 2008 .
- Restored the Royal Ancient palaces before 1952 .
Publications and activities
- Has writers obtanied from Fine works , studios , Models and Life of Fine Artists like:
- Edge of Night 1949 .
- Cairo 51 .
- Visual and unvisual .
- Summer .
- Presented Fine studies about book , rebec and homeless childhood 1947 .
- Staged the Novel festiavl 2000 .
- Registered Burn of Cairo in co-operation with Artist Journalist/ Kamal Al-Malakh 1952
- Flower of Amien Rayan , prepared by the General Authority of Culture Palaces.
Local recognition
- Prize of Artists House in Darb Al-Labana - Citadel 1942 .
- Mukhtar prize - 3 times 1942 -1943 -1944 .
- Prize of Novel Club of the Fine literary work 1956 .
- independents prize 1957 .
- Encouragement state prize 1979 .
Private collection
- At important characaters like: Hoda Shaarawy - Zu Al-Fukar `Sabry` - Milo Faxsy ` Darb Al-Labana` .
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