Curriculum Vitae
Karem Mahrous Mohamoud Abu Hayrra
Personal Data
Fame Name : Karem Mohamoud
Birth date : 12/2/1976
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Painting
Email :

- Diploma in décor from the Technical Industrial Institute, Alexandria.
- Free art classes at Creativity art gallery of al-Tazawq Arts Palace, 1996.
- Fine artist .
Solo shows
- Ekhnaton art gallery in Zamalek Arts Center, 1998,2000.
- Al-Tazawq Art Palace, Sidi Gaber Cultural Palace, Alexandria, 1998,2001.
- Townhouse art gallery, Cairo, 2002.
- La Bodega art gallery, Zamalek, 2003,2005.
Local exhibitions
- Took part in art movement since 1995.
- (Ramadan in Egyptian Sight), Al-Tazawq Art Palace, Sidi Gaber Cultural Palace, - Alexandria, 1996.
- The Second Fine Arts Exhibition of the Center of Social Services, 1996.
- The Youth Salon at Goethe Institute in Alexandria, 1997.
- The 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th Youth Salon, 1997,1998,1999,2000,2003.
- The 25th, 26th, 27th National Art Exhibition, 1997,1999,2001.
- The First and Second Delegation of Luxor Studios, 1998.
- The 4th Port Said National Biennale, 1998.
- The 2nd, 4th, 5th Salon of Mini Works of Art, 1998,200,2002.
- The 29th National Art Exhibition, 2005.
International exhibitions
- The 9th Cairo International Biennale, 2003.
- The Egyptian Cultural Week in Beijing, China, 2002.
- Exhibition accompanied the Olympics Sport Cup in Athens, Greece, 2004.
- The Second International Book Fantasy of Alexandria Library, 2005.
- The International Youth Salon of Alexandria Atelier, April 2006.
- Granted sabbatical leave by the Ministry of Culture from 1999 to 2003.
Local and international Who's Who
- The Youth Salon Encyclopedia, Second Edition, edited by critic Mohammed Hamza, 2002, Sector of Fine Arts Publications.
Local recognition
- Second prize for painting, Ramadan in Egyptian Sight), 1996.
- Merit prize, the Second Fine Arts Exhibition of the Center of Social Services, 1996.
- Jury prize, the 7th Youth Salon, 1997.
- Top prize for painting, Alexandria Youth Salon, 2003.
International recognition
- Jury prize for painting, the 9th Cairo International Biennale, 2003.
Private collection
- Among collections of art lovers in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
- Sector of Fine Arts.
- The Ministry of Culture.
- Egypt Modern Art Museum.