Curriculum Vitae
Youssef Nabil Ragheb Farag
Personal Data
Fame Name : Youssef Ragheb
Birth date : 16/10/1975
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Painting
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- Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University with a Grade of Excellent and Honors -1998.
- Acquired his Masters thesis on the `Potentialities of Sequential Art in Enriching Expression in Painting` 2003.
- Preparing his PHD thesis on the `Philosophical Concept of Interactive Art as an Approach for Teaching Painting in Art Education`.
- Member of the Fine Artists Syndicate 1452/ 4868 .
- Lecturer in the Department of Drawing and Painting , Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, 2003.
- He teaches courses in Drawing, Painting, Foundations of design and Comics and Sequential Art in the American University in Cairo 2006.
- Freelance Illustrator/Cartoonist for Famous Publishing Houses and Multimedia Design Groups, including Longman Publications, Egyptian National Cinema Center Publications, Horizon Interactive Studios, El Dawleya Publications, El moaser Publications, ZamZam Media Group, Advision Advertising Agency, Alien Graphics and others.
- Illustrated numerous Story Boards for many Award Winning Animated features for the Egyptian TV. Also worked as a Comic Strip artist for Aladdin Magazine in Association with Horizon Interactive Studios.
Places of interest
- Cairo .
Local exhibitions
- 7th Salon of Youth,1995.
- 8th Salon of Youth, 1996 .
- Space and 3 dimensional compositions Exhibition for Talented Students- Horus Gallery,1996 .
- Helwan University Annual Art Exhibition, 1996 .
- Gazibeia Serry Exhibition-Horus Gallery,1996 .
- Luxor Paintings Exhibition -Horus Gallery, 1997.
- The 2nd Salon for small Artworks, 1998 .
- The 4th Salon for small Artworks, 2000 .
- 12th Salon of Youth, 2000 .
- The 5th Salon for small Artworks 2001.
- Alliance Française de Port-Saïd Comic Strips and Caricature Exhitibtion, 2006.
- `Occidentalism`. curated by Karim Francis, Suisse Hotel- Interactive Installation, 2007.
International exhibitions
- Higher Institute for Applied Arts Exhibition-Monster-Germany, 2002. .
- Grant from the Higher Institute for Applied Arts -Münster-Germany, 2002.
- Grant From the International Rotary Foundation Cultural exchange program - Canada, USA 2005 .
Local and international Who's Who
- The Encyclopedia of The Salon of Youth- Part 2- Edited by Critic Mohammed Hamza, 2002- Fine Art Sector Publications.
Publications and activities
- Conducted a symposium about Contemporary Egyptian Artists in the Higher Institute for Applied Arts Exhibition-Münster-Germany, 2002.
- Conducted the First Sequential Art workshop in the Faculty of Art Education, 2003. .
- Conducted the Second Sequential Art workshop in the Faculty of Art Education, 2004 .
- Participated in a workshop on Creative brain storming techniques for graphic designers by Prof. Andrea Rauschenbusch, 2004.
- Conducted the Third Sequential Art workshop in the Faculty of Art Education,2005 .
- Conducted the Fourth Sequential Art workshop in the Faculty of Art Education,2007.
Local recognition
- A Merit for Educational Superiority form Giza Artists, Writers and Mediators Association, 1998.
International recognition
- A Merit Certificate from the Faculty of Art Education and The Developmental Projects Group- Canada, 1997 .
- 3rd postition at UNESCO competition for Child`s Drawings .
Private collection
- Acquisitions in private collections .
State collection
- Acquisitions by the Ministry of Culture .