Curriculum Vitae
Hassan Ahmed Al-Aasar
Personal Data
Fame Name : Hassan Al-Aasar
Birth date : 7/1/1935
Place of birth : Giza
Date of death : 5/6/2021
Activities : Graphic - Print

- Diploma in Painting- from Leonardo Da vinci Institute- free night course- 1951:1953.
- Diploma from the faculty of Applied Arts- 1959.
- Diploma in Painting from Arino Italian Academy- 1974.
- MA Diploma in Media and Book Arts. 1974.
- of the Fine Artists Syndicate directorate.
- of the Applied Artists Syndicate.
- of the Applied Arts Graduates Society- Cairo Atelier.
- of Graphic Lovers Association.
- Al-Ghoury Association.
- assistant professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts.
- Associat Professor - Faculty of Applied Arts
- Chair Person of the Photography and Graphic Department- Faculty of Applied Arts, 1988: 1995.
- Head of Cairo Atelier Artists and writers Society.
Places of interest
- Cairo- Italy and some European Countries.
Solo shows
- 9 solo exhibitions in Italy- 1972 :1980
- at Cairo Atelier- 1980.
Local exhibitions
- the Applied Arts Exhibitions- 1961- 1966.
- Cairo Atelier Salon- 1966- 1980.
- Faculty of Applied Arts Exhbition- 1979.
- the Spring Salon- 1981-82.
- the National Graphic Exhibition- 3rd session- 2005.
- 4th Honorary Exhibition for Artists born since January until March- from 1888 to 1935- Dimensions Gallery- Egyptian Modern Art Museum- 2006.
International exhibitions
- the Egyptian Artists Exhibition in Rome- Italy- 1972.
- International Exhibitions in Italy 1972- 73- 75-77-78-81.
- the Egyptian Sculptors Exhibition- France.
- 3 years scholarship in Italy for Graphics and Media- Arbino City.
Local recognition
- 1st prize of 1st Applied Art Exhbitin.
- prize form Cairo International Airport Competition- 1961.
Private collection
- private collections in Cairo- Italy- America.
State collection
- the Egyptian Modern Art Museum.
- an Infirmary- Heliopolis.