Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Nazer Mohamed Nabil Ezzat Al-Tanbouly
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mohamed Nazer Al-Tanbouly
Birth date : 4/7/1971
Activities : Drawing
Email :

- B.A.Expressive Arts, Alexandria University Academy of Fine Art, 1994 .
- M.A. Fine Art (Printmaking), Camber well College of Art, London, UK. 2009 - 2010 .
- Studio Ceramics, Chelsea School of Art, London, UK 2013 .
- Fine Arteist .
Places of interest
- Alexandria .
Solo shows
- Al-Shattby Cultural Palace in Alexandria 1992 .
- Solo exhibition, Palace of Art Appreciation, Alexandria,2001 .
- Solo exhibition, De Montfort Hall, Leicester, United Kingdom 2002 .
- Solo exhibition, Art Exchange Gallery, Nottingham, United Kingdom 2003 .
- Solo exhibition, Factory-Berlin, Germany 2005 .
- Solo exhibition, De Montfort Hall, Leicester, United Kingdom 2006 .
- `Men and Insects` Rich and Famous Gallery, London , United Kingdom 2006 .
- `Constructed Mythologies` Whitewall, Milton Keynes Contemporary 2008 .
- `Private Nightmares` Redgate Gallery, London, United Kingdom 2008.
- `Urban History` Permanent installation, City Arts Nottingham, United Kingdom 2009.
- `Baptism of Hailstones` Surface Gallery, Nottingham, United Kingdom 2009 .
- `Paper Murals` Wilson Road Gallery, Camberwell College of Art, London, United Kingdom 2010 .
- `Haggerston Mural` Whiston Road London, London, United Kingdom 2011.
- `Keeping Afloat` La Clinica Mundana, Valencia Spain 2011 .
- Exhibition Gallery (Studio 75) London, United Kingdom April 2012 .
- `Orientophobia` Hackney Downs Studios London United Kingdom 2013 .
-`Black Books` Westminster Central Art and Design Library, London ,United Kingdom 2014 .
- Exhibition Gallery ( Art Long ) Zamalek , April 2015 .
Local exhibitions
- Groups Exhibition, Goethe Institute, Alexandria 1991, 1993, 2001 .
- 5th Youth Salon 1993, 6th 1994 , 7th 1995 .
- Cairo Festival of Contemporary Art, Townhouse Gallery Cairo,2000 , 2001 .
International exhibitions
- The 6th Cairo International Biennale, 1997 .
- International Biennale Of Young Artists, Argentina 1995 .
- Egyptian Contemporary Art, touring exhibition, Vienna 1995 .
- Group exhibition, Art Exchange Gallery Nottingham 2002 .
- Trio Exhibition, Blackfriars Art Centre, Boston 2004.
- Group Exhibition, Nottingham Castle 2004 .
- `Tiefenrauch Ost` Group Exhibition. T.R.O.Factory - Berlin.- London 2004 .
- Group show 291 Gallery, London 2005 .
- ArtConcept Festival, St Petersburg Russia 2005 .
- Group show at Treptower Rathaus, Berlin 2005 .
- Exhibition `NG7 Utopia` Art Exchange Gallery, Nottingham 2005.
- `Urban Clearance` Gallery PS2 and site-specific, Belfast 2005 .
- `A Very Public Display` Space Berlin Kreuzberg 2006 .
- `Lighten Up` Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge 2006 .
- `Transpositions` Conjunction 06, Works Gallery, Birmingham 2006 .
- `Prospero`s Library` Moscow Central House of Artists, and touring 2007 .
- `Cinetaxis` collaboration with SDNA, London 2007.
- `Coldstore,` Kuhlhaus am Gleisdreieck, Berlin 2007.
- `Digital media 1.0` La Nau, Valencia 2008 .
- `Prospero`s Library`, Central House of Artists, Moscow and touring in Russia 2007- 2008 .
- `Next we change Earth` New Art Exchange, Nottingham 2008 .
- `Postindustrial Baroque` Globe City, Newcastle upon Tyne 2008 .
- Exhibition `Salon`,White cross Gallery, London 2008 .
- `Prospero`s Library`, Academia di Belle Arte, Catania, Italia 2009.
- `Tales from the Electric Forest` St Pancras Crypt Gallery, London 2009 .
- `Beyond Borders: London and New York` AE Studios Gallery, New York City 2009.
- `Nazir Tanbouli and Jai Llewellyn,` Wilson Road Gallery, Camber well College of Art 2010 .
-`Seven Men in London Town` Red gate Gallery, London 2010 .
- `The Freaks` Shoreditch Town Hall, London, United Kingdom 2010 .
- The Moscow seven Book Art Fair 2011.
- Exhibition`Vinyl` Cultivate Vainer Street, London, United Kingdom 2012 .
- Exhibition `ONEIROI` Southend Film Festival 2012 .
- Exhibition `The Wall` Hackney Downs Studios London,United Kingdom 2013 .
- Arts Council of England Individual Artist Development Grant 2004,2005,2006,2007.
Local and international Who's Who
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon, part 1, prepared by Prof/ Sobhy Al-Sharouny 1994, produced by Fine Arts Sector .
- Encyclopedia of Youth Salon, Part 2 , prepared by Critic/ Mohamed Hamza 2002, produced by Fine Arts Sector
Publications and activities
- Therr Films by Nazir Tanbouli `The Collection, Usher Gallery, Lincoln ` 2005 .
Local recognition
- Three Drawing Prize at Ghote German Institution - Alexandria .
- Grand Drawing Prize, Artist of the Year, National 5th Salon of Youth, Egypt 1993 .
International recognition
- Factory Exhibition Award - Berlin, Germany 2005 .
- Juliet Gomperts Award - Verrochio Art Center, Italy 2006 .
- Bainbridge Award for Printmaking 2010 .
- Creative Enterprise Award University of the Arts London 2012 .