Curriculum Vitae
Shawky Abdel Maarouf Abdel Hafez
Personal Data
Fame Name : Shawky Maarouf
Birth date : 27/7/1951
Place of birth : Aswan
Activities : Ceremics

- BA of Applied Arts 1976 .
- MA in Applied Arts 1982 .
- PhD of Philosophy 1990 .
- Head of Ceramics Department in the High Institute of Technology - Kenia .
- Instrcutor in the Faculty of Applied Arts .
Places of interest
- Aswan .
- Cairo .
- Germany .
- Kenia Republic .
Solo shows
- In Tacaword City - Kenia 1994 .
- Exhibition of the Faculty of Applied Arts 1998 .
Local exhibitions
- Pioneers exhibitions - Association of Fine Arts Lovers 1976,1977,1980 .
- Exhibition of the Egyptian Youth artists - The French Embassy - Cairo 1982 .
- Exhibition of Artists of Faculty of Applied Arts 1992 .
- Exhibition of Alumni of the German Universities - Cairo 1998 .
- 29th National exhibition of Fine Arts 2005 .
International exhibitions
- 1st ,3rd, 4th Cairo International Biennale of Ceramics 1992,1996, 1998 - Cairo .
- Governmental scholarship to get PhD from Unionism Germany .
- Expert of the Egyptian Fund of the Art co-operation with Africa - The Egyptian Foregin Ministry for 1994 - 1997 .
Local recognition
- Encouragement prizes from Youth exhibitions .
State collection
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art - Cairo .