Curriculum Vitae
Maha Darweesh Mohamed Darweesh
Personal Data
Fame Name : Maha Darweesh
Birth date : 28/4/1970
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Graphic
Email : ,

- Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, 1993.
- MA in Printmaking from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Printed Designs Dep., Alexandria Un., 2003 .
- D. H in Fine Arts, Printed Designs Department , Illustration for Publishing and Book Specialization Alexandria University, 2007 .
- Member of the Fine Artists Association – 178 / 40 (engraving).
- Instructor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Printmaking Department, Alexandria University.
- Assistant Teacher at Printmaking Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University.
- Ass. Prof . in Graphic Department in the Faculty of Fine Arts , Alexandria University .
Solo shows
- Exhibition of Print Feminine Artists of Alexandria, 1998,2001.
Local exhibitions
- Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, 1993.
- MA from the Faculty of Fine Arts.
International exhibitions
- The International Mini Prints Triennale in Tokyo, Japan, 1998.
- Kanagawa International Print Triennale, 1998.
- Sapporo International Print Triennale, 2000.
- Kanagawa International Print Triennale, 2001.
- The International Mini Prints Triennale in Tokyo, Japan, 2001.
- The International Youth Salon of Alexandria Atelier, April 2006..
Local and international Who's Who
Youth Salon Encyclopedia, Second Edition, edited by critic Mohammed Hamza, Sector of Fine Arts Publication, 2002.
Local recognition
- Salon prize, the 9th Youth Salon, 1997.
- Top prize, Nagy Salon of Print, 1998.
- Salon prize, the 10th Youth Salon, 1999.
- Prize of the 39th Avant-garde Exhibition (Art Lovers Society), Cairo, 1999.
- Merit certificate, Nagy Salon of Print, Alexandria, 1999.
- Prize of the Fourth Salon of Mini Works of Art, 2000.
- Prize of the Autumn Salon, 2000.
- Merit certificate, the 27th National Art Exhibition, 2001.
Private collection
Among collections of art lovers in Egypt and abroad.
State collection
Alexandria Library.
Creativity Center in Alexandria.