Curriculum Vitae
Naglaa Mohamed Ezzat Ahmed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Naglaa Ezzat
Birth date : 6/10/1975
Place of birth : Giza
Activities : Graphic - Print
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- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Graphic Section - Print Design Department - Helwan University 1999
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Worked in the press illustration in Al-Ahram , Nahdet Misr newspaper and Sabah Alkhier magazine
- Lecturer in Faculty of Applied Arts from 2001 till 2003
Places of interest
- Geizira - Cairo
Solo shows
- Exhibition entitle ` Egyptian Feature` - The Egyptian Embassy - America 2001
- Exhibition entitle ` Towards light` at Noury gallery - Cairo 2005
Local exhibitions
- Collective exhibition in Faculty of Fine Arts - Luxor 1996
- Students exhibitions in the Faculty 1998,1999,1995
- Exhibition related to the conference of psychotherapy -Ain Shams University 1998
- In Faculty of Fine Arts 1999
- Exhibition related to 22nd Conference of Ain Shams University , March 1999
- 26th National exhibition of Fine Arts 1999
- Exhibition of Artists at Dega gallery , December 1999
- Competition of Fine Arts in Semiramis Intercontinetal Hotel - Cairo 2000
-5th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2002
-43rd Pioneers exhibition ( Association of Fine Arts Lovers) 2003 - Cairo
- 1st Press illustration exhibition at Palace of Arts , March 2004
-7th Salon of Mini Works of Art 2004
- 1st Private exhibitopn ( exhibition of artists who staged their 1st Solo exhibition from 1st July 2004 till 30 June 2006) at Geizira Arts Center 2006
-1st Festival of Fine Creation (18th Youth Salon) 2007
International exhibitions
- Collective exhibition in Academy of Arts , Rome , Italy 1998
- In America 2001
- Exhibition ` Colors of Africa` - America 2001
- Exhibition ` outside limits (female artists from Africa) - America 2004
- Exhbition in North Carolonia 2006-2007
Local recognition
- Encouragement prize in Competition of Fine Arts in Semiramis Intercontinetal Hotel - Cairo , May 2000
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt , United States of America , Nigeria , South Africa , Austria
State collection
- The International Bank in United States of America
- Helwan University
- Museum of the Modern Egyptian Art
- Egypt Embassy in Washigton