Curriculum Vitae
Mahmoud Helmy
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mahmoud Helmy
Birth date : 6/2/1916
Place of birth : Alexandria
Date of death : 16/1/1997
Activities : Painting

- Pupliage on Aramian artist Geriar Bloumidan
- Studied in institute of fanciers association of Fine arts, Alexandria 1929
- Studied in the Royal academy of Arts , Rome 1937
- Member of Alexandria Atelier
- Worked in one of the Grand cloths companies till he retired
Places of interest
- Alexandria
Solo shows
- Staged many Solo exhibitions in Alexandria, Cairo, Germany and Paris
- In Museum of Fine Arts , Alexandria 1952
- Exhibition `50 year of Art` at Fine art gallery , Opera 1989
- Exhibition `50 year of Art` at Shamouaa gallery, Maadi 1995
- In Museum of Fine Arts, Alexandria 1995
Local exhibitions
- Started displaying his works in Cairo Salon in the mid of 30s
- Participated in the Collective exhibition which organized by Cairo Salon and Museum of Fine Arts in Alexandria, and exhibitions of Alexandria Atelier
- Exhibition `Pioneers of the Alexandrian art` at Shadecor gallery , Heliopolis 2007
International exhibitions
-2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Alexandria Biennale 1957,1959,1961,1963
- Participated in exhibitions of the Modern Egyptian art all over the world
- Member of Jury Committee of calligraphy competition presented from Turkish calligrapher Hamed Al-Amady and organized by the Islamic Conference in Istanbul
Publications and activities
- Has researches and studies like` The Arabic calligraphy between think and art` , ` The Arabic calligraphy between Art and history` ` Eastern view to the Contemporary European Art`
- Casts Lectures about Islamic arts in Alexandria University and Faculty of Fine Arts, Turkey
Private collection
- At art lovers in France , Turkey , England, Germany, Italy, Canada, United States of America, Columbia, Switzerlands, Spain , Austria, Egypt