Curriculum Vitae
Youssef Mohamed Abdel Hafieez Mekawy
Personal Data
Birth date : 27/7/1986
Activities : Painting
Email : Lord_yuossief

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting department, Mural section 2009
Local exhibitions
- - Participated in Students exhibitions in the faculty and all Youth exhibitions in the universities
- Participated in exhibitions of the Supreme Council of Sports and Youth

Local recognition
- 2nd prize in Oil painting, Helwan University 2006
- 1st prize in Oil painting , Helwan University 2007,2008
-1st prize in Oil painting on the level of the Egyptian universities 2008
-1st prize in Oil painting on the level of the Specialized faculties in Egypt 2008
Private collection
- At art lovers .
State collection
- Ministry of Foreign .