Curriculum Vitae
Maha Samy Mohamed Talkhan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Maha Samy
Birth date : 4/1/1971
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Painting
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Fine Arts - Painting department - Helwan University 1993
- Rehabilitation diploma - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University 2006
- MA in Philosophy of Art Education , painting , Helwan University
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Cairo Atelier
- Worked in Museum of Islamic Ceramics, Information bank of Fine Arts Sector
- Interior designer in Production sector in the Egyptian television
- Currently Interior designer in the Egyptian Opera House , and participated in many plays , and festivals of the Arabic music, Modern dance , the experimental festival
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Alexandria
Local exhibitions
- Participated in the Collective exhibitions in Faculty of Fine Arts , Helwan University at galleries of Painting department in the faculty from 1988:1993
- Exhibitions in Faculty of Art Education , Helwan University from 2006:2008
Private collection
- At art lovers in Egypt and abroad