Curriculum Vitae
Mahmoud Abdel Naby Mohamed Ahmed
Personal Data
Fame Name : Mahmoud Abdel Naby
Birth date : 26/8/1964
Place of birth : Alexandria
Activities : Sculpture

- BA of Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University
-PhD of Philosophy in Applied arts , Helwan University 2004
- Member of Syndicate of Applied Arts designers
- Member of Teachers Syndicate
- Member of association of Applied Arts
- Instructor in Faculty of Applied Arts , Helwan University
- Designer prof in Faculty of Applied Arts , Helwan University
Solo shows
- Exhibition (Medal art) 1995,2004
Local exhibitions
- Participated in exhibition accompanied to Conference of Universities union 23/4/2005
- Participated in the accompanied exhibition to 6th Youth Alumni Forum 27-28/3/2006
- Member of the General association of talents care
- Member and Secretary of the scientific council of jewelry and metal products
- Design and produce medals of the private celebration of the Egyptian scientist/ Aly Mustafa Moshrafa) - Faculty of Science - Cairo University , and Faculty of Science , Mansoura University
Publications and activities
- Participated in many scientific conferences in Helwan, Cairo , Menia, Fayum University
- Supervison on MA and PhD thesises