Curriculum Vitae
Tamer Ahmed Mustafa Ahmed Al-Dahan
Personal Data
Fame Name : Tamer Al-Dahan
Birth date : 6/2/1976
Place of birth : Cairo
Activities : Art Sponsors
Email :

- BA of Faculty of Art Education 1999
- Preliminary High studies - Department of Wood works
- Member of Syndicate of Fine Artists
- Member of Teachers Syndicate
- Teaching Art Education
- Teaching Arts and architecture
- Decor
- Graphic
Places of interest
- Cairo
- Saudi Arabia
- Bahrain
Local exhibitions
- The Annual exhibitions of Faculty of Specify Education - Cairo 1996-1999
- Collective exhibition at Cairo Atelier 1999
-Nations Festival in Faculty of Commerce - Ain Shams University 1999
- Exhibition Egypt`s artists for Quds in Al-Hanager Center 2000
- Exhibitions of Al-Nozha Islamic private schools of Languages 2000 -2001
- The Annual exhibitions of Zeitoun Educational Administration 2000-2004
- 1st Celebration exhibition of the National Day of Cairo City - Salam College , July 2004
International exhibitions
- Exhibition `Together against terrorism` Al-Quassiem - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2005
- Exhibition ` No for Smoking` - Riyadh - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2006
- Exhibition ` King and Kingdom` - Bahrain 2007
Camp of preparing leaders Institute in Helwan , July 1996, 1997,1998,1999
- Execute decor of Egypt in Nations festival - Ain Shams University 1999
- Prepare and organize the 1st celebration of the National Feast of Cairo City - Salam College , July 2004
Local recognition
- Won many prizes from Students Union of Ain Shams University 1996-1999
- 1st prize in the 1st General Cultural tournament in Ain Shams University 1999
Private collection
At art lovers in Egypt , Saudi Arabia , Bahrain